rbind / support

Technical support for rbind
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rbind.io subdomian request #906

Closed earfanfan closed 1 year ago

earfanfan commented 1 year ago

Netlify website address

I have a Vercel blog, the website address is "yuanfan.vercel.app" . But, yesterday, i can not visit my blog(PS.I live in China), because of some reason. So, i make this submit.

Preferred rbind.io subdomain



nanxstats commented 1 year ago

@earfanfan We have configured the rbind subdomain you requested. Please:

  1. Add the rbind subdomain in your Vercel account as the custom domain to your site: https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/projects/custom-domains. Simply use your subdomain.rbind.io as the record, no www needed.

  2. There might be messages saying "DNS verification failed" or "check DNS configuration" after adding the rbind subdomain -- they can be safely ignored as long as the site renders properly.

  3. You may also find the last two sections of this post helpful for redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS automatically.

Thanks! -Nan

earfanfan commented 1 year ago

@yihui 原来那个在中国大陆不能访问的博客我没动,搭了个新的,新博客是用netlify部署的,现在我要将它重定向到我已经申请的rbind二级域名上面去,但我现在到不了重定向那一步。




yihui commented 1 year ago

不是要等,而是我们把 yuanfan.rbind.io 指向了 yuanfan.vercel.app。我刚给你换到 netlify.app 域名上了。你再点一下 Check DNS configuration。

earfanfan commented 1 year ago


yihui commented 1 year ago


现在我看已经绑好了。你可以把 yuanfan.rbind.io 设置为主域名,然后把那一串又臭又长的 netlify.app 域名重定向到主域名上。