rbjaxter / budhud

A Team Fortress 2 hud inspired by whayay's yahud and rays' rayshud.
MIT License
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Workaround for not being able to vote for a map #490

Closed impale1 closed 4 months ago

impale1 commented 4 months ago

Sometimes in Casual you cannot vote for a map at the end of a round. To reproduce this bug, play Casual until you see it, unfortunately it is not known exactly how this happens. Budhud map vote bug workaround

rbjaxter commented 4 months ago

I'm reluctant to add buttons to the matchmaking dashboard in this way because it'd be visible at all times. However, I'd be curious to know if these buttons could instead be hidden above the map vote % on the vote screen itself. That way, if the buttons do break someone can just click on the % for each map to vote for it instead (they'd have to just know this exists, though)

Since the issue is fairly rare (I believe it's something to do with the server, if anything), I'd be hesitant to do any changes that are very visible to add a fix, since ultimately people just requeue anyways

impale1 commented 4 months ago

People have already tried to add buttons to the voting panel itself, but they cause the game to crash

rbjaxter commented 4 months ago

I'll have to take a look at it, I wonder if it has to do with actionsignallevel or something of that nature. I'd be curious to try it myself, because that's pretty much the only implementation of it that I'd want in the hud. I suppose I could include a customization to have buttons appear in the matchmakingdashboard however