rblackmore / IGE.TankShooter

Tank Shooty Game
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Camera follow player + Enemy/Cursor Textures + Better firing direction #4

Closed pserwylo closed 10 months ago

pserwylo commented 2 years ago

Was going to use the MonoGame.Extended.Tween library to do nice smooth zooming/panning, but that turned out to be more targetted at animations where you knew the start position and the end position of something. When zooming/panning, the desired location/zoom is constantly changing every frame, so it worked much better to just use the MovementVelocity helper class you created for panning, and some manual interpolation for zooming.

pserwylo commented 2 years ago

Created a turret class and moved turret related code from the tank into this. Helps with things like:

In general, will make it easier to do things like implement different types of guns in the future.