rblackmore / IGE.TankShooter

Tank Shooty Game
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Render background from hand crafted tilemap #8

Closed pserwylo closed 9 months ago

pserwylo commented 9 months ago

Required a few more changes to dependencies then I had hoped for, including adding a dependency on the alpha version of MonoGame.Extended which felt a bit icky. Hopefully this will resolve itself in the near-ish future if MonoGame.Extended pushes an official release some time soon.

The maps are created from the Roguelike Modern City tileset from Kenney using the awesome Tiled map editor.

Requried a minor refactor to how the size of the world is agreed upon (now derived from the tile map, not hard coded), as well as where the collision boundaries are created (the map is responsible for these, not the game).

Currently only supports a single hardcoded level1.tmx, but in the future can be expanded to support arbitrary numbers.

Tiled editor


Game screenshot
