When an MDMatrix is instanciated, an MDArray sibling is also instanciated. An instance of MDMatrix can be constructed as: matrix = MDMatrix.double([5, 5]. If we do array = matrix.mdarray, then array is the sibling of matrix and both matrix and array point to the same backing store. if we do an structural change in matrix, for instance, transpose a column, then the same function is done to the array. However, if we do a strucutral change in the array, then the matrix will no be aware of the change.
When an MDMatrix is instanciated, an MDArray sibling is also instanciated. An instance of MDMatrix can be constructed as: matrix = MDMatrix.double([5, 5]. If we do array = matrix.mdarray, then array is the sibling of matrix and both matrix and array point to the same backing store. if we do an structural change in matrix, for instance, transpose a column, then the same function is done to the array. However, if we do a strucutral change in the array, then the matrix will no be aware of the change.