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Deepin Desktop / Browser / Terminal fixes #668

Open RedBearAK opened 2 years ago

RedBearAK commented 2 years ago


PR #666 and #667 contain some fixes for Deepin Browser (Chromium-based) and Deepin Terminal.

Most annoyingly, Cmd+W (mapped to Ctrl+Shift+W) would close all other tabs in Deepin Terminal, rather than closing the current tab. They changed the shortcut to close tabs to Alt+W.

Also fixes tab nav in both browser and terminal.

Deepin has made a number of unusual shortcut choices that affect the shell and the file manager as well as the terminal. I'm trying to track them all down.

rbreaves commented 2 years ago

Leaving open for now as I assume more is to come, unless you say otherwise or this thread gets stale at some point, but the PRs have been merged.

RedBearAK commented 2 years ago


Thanks! Yes, there should be a few more fixes for Deepin as soon as I can get to it.

RedBearAK commented 2 years ago


Alright, I think I actually fixed anything that was unusual in the Deepin file manager back when I did the last tune-up on the Finder mods (Xmas-ish). But, there are a couple of general shell shortcuts that I'll stick in a PR, in prep for something to be added to the installer script to enable/disable the appropriate lines.

Minimize app (hide window) in Deepin is Super+N instead of Super+H for some reason, so the usual shortcut won't work. And there is a shortcut to open a new file manager window: Super-e, so Opt+Cmd+Space can be activated for Deepin.

    K("RC-H"):K("Super-h"),                       # Default SL - Minimize app (gnome/budgie/popos/fedora) not-deepin
    # K("RC-H"):K("Super-n"),                       # Default SL - Minimize app (deepin)

    # K("M-RC-Space"): K(""),                       # Open Finder - Placeholder not-deepin
    # K("M-RC-Space"): K("Super-e"),                # Open Finder - Placeholder (deepin)

PR #672 should add the appropriate lines for manual or automatic activation/deactivation.