rbreaves / kinto

Mac-style shortcut keys for Linux & Windows.
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Switch tabs in Chrome broken with CMD bracket #685

Open joshgoebel opened 2 years ago

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

CMD-[ and CMD-] should rotate tabs in Chrome, but instead they go back and forward in history.

Expected behavior

They should rotate tabs.

Install Type: Bare Metal Distro: Arch DE: Awesome WM Branch: keyszer with kinto.sh Commit: 871da5d

Additional context

It's right there in the kinto.sh config which I pulled from git:

define_keymap(re.compile(chromeStr, re.IGNORECASE),{
    K("C-comma"): [K("M-e"), K("s"),K("Enter")],    # Open preferences
    K("RC-q"):              K("M-F4"),              # Quit Chrome(s) browsers with Cmd+Q
    # K("RC-Left"):           K("M-Left"),            # Page nav: Back to prior page in history (conflict with wordwise)
    # K("RC-Right"):          K("M-Right"),           # Page nav: Forward to next page in history (conflict with wordwise)
    K("RC-Left_Brace"):     K("M-Left"),            # Page nav: Back to prior page in history
    K("RC-Right_Brace"):    K("M-Right"),           # Page nav: Forward to next page in history
}, "Chrome Browsers")

Second to last two lines. I'm disputing that this is correct. I've used CMD-[] to switch tabs for years.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Correction, it may be Safari that I'm used to this behavior in... I need to go check.