I have observed, sometimes a rss feed contains multiple href links ( atom:link ), some of them redirects to new feedUrl, but some of those are invalid ( link type as 'text/html' ) .
Since the library returns only the first href based on the code below, how can we get ( or parse and check) , the rest of the href urls?
For ex - i parsed url1, it contains two hrefs, url2 ( incorrect as it its type is 'text/html' ), and url3 ( new correct one), but the library will return url2, how can i reach url3 and update the new episodes and podcast metadata?
I have observed, sometimes a rss feed contains multiple href links ( atom:link ), some of them redirects to new feedUrl, but some of those are invalid ( link type as 'text/html' ) .
Since the library returns only the first href based on the code below, how can we get ( or parse and check) , the rest of the href urls?
For ex - i parsed url1, it contains two hrefs, url2 ( incorrect as it its type is 'text/html' ), and url3 ( new correct one), but the library will return url2, how can i reach url3 and update the new episodes and podcast metadata?