rbrito / mediterranean-gtk-themes

Maintenance fork of the Mediterranean theme for GTK2/3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 12 forks source link

Change in maintenance mode? #40

Open rbrito opened 9 years ago

rbrito commented 9 years ago

Hi, @darvelo, @robertpainsi, @Dvad and others.

(Please forgive any omissions---it's not really intentional).

It is really clear to me that you guys have a much better understanding of CSS and related technologies than I do. Furthermore, given my lack of time, I think that I would like to pass on the maintenance of the project to more skilled parties.

I really mostly care about MediterraneanNight (with the window manager decorations from Zukitwo, namely, Zukitwo Dark) and you guys have been doing a super great job refactoring the themes so as to make them consistent.

I would, therefore, like to accept more collaborators to this project or even "donate" the project to one of you. I may still be contributing one patch or another, but I want to concentrate my attention on other projects that are currently more important for me, given that the basics of theming with MATE are sufficient for my needs.

So, what do you think? Your opinions are highly appreciated.


Rogério Brito.

robertpainsi commented 9 years ago

Hi :smirk_cat: I still didn't had time to do the last polishing for the common base refactoring :pouting_cat:. I even use the default MediterraneanDarkest theme without my preferred modifications :scream_cat:. Sorry that I couldn't do something in the meantime. I'll reanalyze the code in the next days and weeks to do the last refactoring. Then I'll also "fix" https://github.com/rbrito/mediterranean-gtk-themes/issues/25. Hopefully this will get the project up and rolling (running).

Collaborators are always appreciated. Nodejs or iojs (or even another project :confused: can't remember which :joy_cat:) had an interesting approach. Every person who contributed something, was promoted to be a collaborator. It works quiet well. Sadly, we are lacking contributors and contributions. Just sometimes someone creates a new issue :smile_cat:

You should also grant all listed people above collaborator rights, if you haven't already and also if they want to have them ^^

Thanks for your honesty. I also hope we will find someone who will kick-start and maintain the project so it won't stay still (like now) or even worse, vanish. :crying_cat_face:

darvelo commented 9 years ago

I wish I had the time to refactor and debug this code. I've since stopped using GNOME, so that makes it harder for me to know what I'm doing (I use bspwm with plain X and urxvt now, but still use GTK+ apps from time to time). This is my favorite theme of all and I want to see it flourish. @rbrito do you think once this code becomes stable, you would package (not maintain) it for Debian?

rbrito commented 9 years ago

Hi, All.

On Apr 16 2015, David Arvelo wrote:

I wish I had the time to refactor and debug this code. I've since stopped using GNOME, so that makes it harder for me to know what I'm doing (I use bspwm with plain X and urxvt now, but still use GTK+ apps from time to time).

I also don't use GNOME itself (I'm using MATE here), but the amount of graphical applications that I use that use gtk (both 2 or 3---directly or indirectly) is almost 100%.

This is my favorite theme of all and I want to see it flourish.

It is one of the few "dark" themes (I'm thinking here of MediterraneanDark) that I think that is sober without looking "toyish" (in the bad sense of the word) or distracting.

@rbrito do you think once this code becomes stable, you would package (not maintain) it for Debian?

Yes, I am willing to upload it to Debian properly packaged (with all the dependencies properly declared), so that installation becomes a one-shot process. And, as usual, ubuntu and other derivatives would be picking up my package/changes.


Rogério Brito : rbrito@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 4096R/BCFCAAAA http://cynic.cc/blog/ : github.com/rbrito : profiles.google.com/rbrito DebianQA: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rbrito%40ime.usp.br

darvelo commented 9 years ago

Good to hear it'll be packaged once it's stable. Thanks for your efforts, guys.

By the way @rbrito, a workstation can get wicked powerful without gtk using a handful of tools (mplayer/mpv, zathura, sxiv, ranger, urxvt, zsh, tmux, lemonbar panel, bspwm, sxhkd, dmenu, etc.). With proper keyboard shortcuts, almost all actions are instantaneous.

robertpainsi commented 9 years ago

Darn, have to postpone... again... :pouting_cat: So much to do, so less time grml