rbrth / framework

Framework for eye-in-hand sensing and motion control.
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I would use slam_bridge with my camera ueye #3

Open nicolac93 opened 7 years ago

nicolac93 commented 7 years ago

Hi rbrth, I would use slam_bridge for generate point cloud to visualize in Rviz. I don't understand your code, when you use image_acquisition because I want use my camera ueye. Where have I to modify the code for use my camera.

Thank you.

rbrth commented 7 years ago

Hi Nico,

Sorry that it is not clear to you yet. I tried commenting every step of all nodes. Also, did you read the paper to provide the context of the framework and its use? ( [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2015.12.001] )

It has been 2 years since I wrote the code, so also myself needs to dive into to refresh its exact workings.

The slam bridge node translates a lsd-slam pointcloud to a ROS pointcloud. When a lsd-slam pointcloud is published by the lsd-slam software, the bridge automatically processes and publishes it as a ROS pointcloud.

So in your case, you probably need to :

i) run the 3rd party Sophus SLAM software. Initialise it so it listens to your ROS image topic.

ii) For this you need your camera to publish images in the ROS network, so either write your own node or modify the nodes I use in the framework.

iii) listen and use the published the ROS pointcloud by the bridge node.

Best, Ruud