rbtl-fs24 / Project_SILBEEK

This project report was prepared for the data science for openwashdata course.
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Capstone project #3

Open SilBeek opened 2 weeks ago

SilBeek commented 2 weeks ago


@larnsce @elizabeth-tilley @bonschorno

There is a error message from pushing: "pages build and deployment / build Failed in 18 seconds"

bonschorno commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @SilBeek, I think it has to do with your folder structure. Right now, you're storing your html file in Root/docs rather than just "docs". Once you've changed the folder structure, it should work. If not, let me know!

SilBeek commented 2 weeks ago


Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 09 56 40

I'm not sure if I understand correctly, because the docs folder is inside the Root folder. And the .qmd is in docs, so I think the .html file is automatically created in this folder as well.

bonschorno commented 2 weeks ago

What if you change the directory from project/Root/docs/index.html to project/docs/index.html (so deleting Roots)?

SilBeek commented 2 weeks ago

@bonschorno Nice, thank you! now it worked. Do you know why that was the reason that it didn't work? Because officially the folder structure was given to us at the beginning of the project, so it's weird that it didn't work for me (but probably for most others) image

bonschorno commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @SilBeek, I think there was a slight misunderstanding. Step 6 says to create a docs folder inside the root folder. However, by root folder there was no root folder meant, but it was reference to the top-level directory (that is, project). Does that help?

SilBeek commented 2 weeks ago

@bonschorno Ah yes, thank you for clarifying