rbuchberger / jekyll_picture_tag

Easy responsive images for Jekyll.
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Debugging extra <p>{::nomarkdown} ... {:/}</p> #28

Closed jonathansick closed 10 years ago

jonathansick commented 10 years ago

I'm new to jekyll-picture-tag, but I have it successfully generating images and inserting markup. The problem is that I'm left with an extra <p>{::nomarkdown} ... {:/}</p> wrapping my image spans. I've attached an example below.

What could be causing the error? Or rather, what part of the toolchain is responsible for removing those extra tags.

I am using redcarpet 2.3.0 and jekyll 1.4.3.

<span class="article-img-full" itemprop="image" data-picture data-alt="Set of custom Field Notes" >
<span data-src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-320*200-8f6b49.png"></span>
<span data-src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-480*300-8f6b49.png" data-media="(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi)"></span>
<span data-src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-640*400-8f6b49.png" data-media="(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)"></span>
<span data-src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-500*333-8f6b49.png" data-media="(min-width: 17em)"></span>
<span data-src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-750*500-8f6b49.png" data-media="(min-width: 17em) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-width: 17em) and (min-resolution: 144dpi)"></span>
<span data-src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-1000*666-8f6b49.png" data-media="(min-width: 17em) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-width: 17em) and (min-resolution: 192dpi)"></span>
<img src="/generated/fieldnotes/set-320*200-8f6b49.png" alt="Set of custom Field Notes">
robwierzbowski commented 10 years ago

Well it looks like we fixed one problem and introduced another.

Here's the PR that added the markdown blocks: https://github.com/robwierzbowski/jekyll-picture-tag/pull/25. IIRC the user there was using Kramdown. Maybe a markdown parsing inconsistency?

This project is in need of some love but is at the bottom of my todo list right now. PRs welcome.

jonathansick commented 10 years ago

Thanks @robwierzbowski, I reverted to 12e031109c and it works perfectly with redcarpet 2.3.0. Unfortunately It does seem like a kramdown vs redcarpet issue. I'd try to help, but I'm not handy with Ruby. Thanks for making jekyll-picture-tag available!

ceilfors commented 10 years ago

Got this issue and reverting to the revision stated by @jonathansick works. Thanks!