rbur004 / gedcom

Ruby Gedcom parser
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Remove #path method from Object #2

Closed dwbutler closed 11 years ago

dwbutler commented 11 years ago


I had some trouble parsing a YAML file when running in JRuby. It turns out that Object responded to #path, which messed up the JRuby Psych parser. I tracked the problem down to the path method defined in this gem. You probably didn't intend for every object to now have a path method. =)

I fixed things up so there's no path method defined on Object now.

Thanks again for creating the gem!

rbur004 commented 11 years ago

Glad to see it has been useful. Wrote it one summer with the intent of using it with a web app, and got sidetracked with a 101 other projects. I'm still editing gedcom by hand :) and just using this code to do a test parse of the file to make sure I haven't done something silly.

I'll merge these patches in and rebuild the gem.

On 15/05/13 3:31 AM, David Butler wrote:


I had some trouble parsing a YAML file when running in JRuby. It turns out that Object responded to |#path|, which messed up the JRuby Psych parser. I tracked the problem down to the |path| method defined in this gem. You probably didn't intend for every object to now have a |path| method. =)

I fixed things up so there's no |path| method defined on Object now.

Thanks again for creating the gem!

    You can merge this Pull Request by running

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    Commit Summary

Rob Burrowes Ph: +64 9 923 2308 (Internal 82308) Research Data Services Cell: +64 27 4731856 (internal 64209) Technical Lead Centre for eResearch The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 http://www.sit.auckland.ac.nz/~rob Auckland Mail Centre http://www.burrowes.org/ Auckland 1142 http://www.wikarekare.org/ NEW ZEALAND

rbur004 commented 11 years ago

There is a new Gem version with your two updates.

Rob Burrowes Ph: +64 9 923 2308 (Internal 82308) Research Data Services Cell: +64 27 4731856 (internal 64209) Technical Lead Centre for eResearch The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 http://www.sit.auckland.ac.nz/~rob Auckland Mail Centre http://www.burrowes.org/ Auckland 1142 http://www.wikarekare.org/ NEW ZEALAND

dwbutler commented 11 years ago

Great, thanks!