rbwhitaker / CSharpPlayersGuideEarlyAccess

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Attributes Chapter #659

Open rbwhitaker opened 2 years ago

rbwhitaker commented 2 years ago

I've wondered about having a chapter about attributes since the very early days, but always felt there wasn't too much there, and that it maybe didn't deserve its own whole chapter. I'm still a bit on the fence, but I'll say that I've trended toward giving it its own chapter, even if it is short. Part of my reason is that it is a notable feature of C#. To "hide" it away in a chapter with a lot of other random stuff just feels like a disservice. Giving it its own chapter makes it a bit easier for people to spot it in the crowd as well, and it's one I'd like people to pay better attention to anyway, because it does have its uses.

rbwhitaker commented 1 year ago

One argument against this is that it demands adding a challenge for it. (Or provides a very compelling reason to, since all other chapters in Part 3 have something.) I'm struggling right now to come up with a good challenge for it. The ones I can come up with could also benefit from reflection. Which makes me wonder if the two shouldn't go into a chapter together, or at least that reflection should also get its own chapter.

I'm still on the fence on this one, but I'm leaning more toward not touching this one this time around, and reconsidering it for future editions. I don't think a separate chapter and a challenge is misplaced.