rcackerman / parole-hearing-data

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Update readme #31

Closed rcackerman closed 9 years ago

rcackerman commented 9 years ago

The readme no longer reflects the current way to run the scraper... but I'm not sure what the new instructions should be.

talos commented 9 years ago

Sorry! I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to double check/update the readme (not back to work til Tuesday) but the correct procedure should now be:

python scrape.py input.csv > output.csv 2>errors.txt

In the repo, input.csv would generally be data.csv. It's actually optional when you run the script. After you're done, you'll probably want to move output.csv to be the new data.csv.

On my list is to create a simple scrape.sh or run.sh that simply does this as expected.