rcaelers / workrave-cloud-server

MIT License
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What stage is this project in? #1

Open zhaostu opened 10 years ago

zhaostu commented 10 years ago


I tried to run this project with no success, does this project do anything?


rcaelers commented 10 years ago

This project is work in progress and currently on-hold. In its current state, it contains only infrastructure and no real functionality.

zhaostu commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I was just in need of this sort of thing. I have plenty of computers including work ones, and I all have workrave on them. However as they are not synced, the breaks and stats I get are only good on one computer. Any suggestions?

absynce commented 7 years ago

I would like to use this option as well. Since I dual boot Windoze/Ubuntu I would like to sync between the two.

palfrey commented 7 years ago

Given this state of things I've got a couple of questions:


rcaelers commented 7 years ago

I have added a README and LICENSE file. This project is abandoned for several reason; both technical and non-technical:

I did a few more attempts to add cloud support using node.js (using loopback/express/passport/...). Never uploaded those to github. I tried to embed Node in Workrave. This would allow client and server side to be both javascript. And everyone can run their own server.

palfrey commented 7 years ago

Thanks for all that!