rcaelers / workrave

Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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password protection/parent mode #290

Open kumar007git opened 3 years ago

kumar007git commented 3 years ago

Hi, Is there a way to add (or can you add) password protection or parent mode to the software where the settings, the tray icon menu, and app exiting/closing is protected using a master password? This way the app cannot be bypassed. Thanks!

kees-jan commented 3 years ago

If I may ask, why do you want this? I'm a firm believer in user control, so from an ethics/usability perspective, I would not want to inflict workrave on a user who doesn't want it. Also, people respond very differently to workrave. Some need the breaks and accept the nudges workrave gives them. Others get stressed out by the pop-ups. For them, workrave is counter-productive. Don't get me wrong, they (probably) still need the breaks, it is just that putting a popup on their screens is not the "right" way to encourage them to take one.

So, what's your use-case? ;-)

kumar007git commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I'm requesting this feature so I can (and other can too) use this for my children. I want to make sure they take breaks from computer. It is especially important to do that now because of the amount of time spending in front of a computer due to virtual learning.

This would be a setting and therefore optional, so users who don't want it can turn this setting off. Better yet, you can make the default setting OFF and users who need this feature can turn it ON.

rcaelers commented 3 years ago

Password protection has been requested before, but for reasons Kees-Jan explained, it is unlikely that I will add such a feature to Workrave.

Also, password protection would not be useful if you can enable quiet/suspended mode. And those options are too useful to put behind a password (e.g if you have to give a presentation)

Password protection could also be easily circumvented:

So you will also have to disable some Windows features to make it safe.

As an alternative, the current history/statistics could be extended to also report the use of different operation modes (normal, quiet, suspended) and changes of the settings.

See also: https://workrave.org/bugzilla/1207/, #132, #267

easpro commented 3 years ago

Lots of other break programs have password protection to protect the Preferences settings. The purpose is to enforce taking breaks, mainly to make sure kids take their breaks. Many kids have not learned to develop the self-control needed to manage their time online and overuse computers to their own detriment. Some adults also find it useful. if they are having trouble managing their time spent online. Internet addiction is a widely known problem now. Password protection is a useful parenting tool. There are a number of parental software available that can disable task manager, control panel, registry editor and prevent uninstalling programs, so those are not features Workrave needs to necessarily have. I'm in favor of password protection being added to Workrave since I believe many users would find it useful.

dreich commented 2 years ago

easpro, I agree with you. Will have to explore the other solutions. For me it would be enough to prevent child closing Workrave in tray.

easpro commented 1 year ago

Another way to prevent kids from quiting Workrave is to "hide hidden icons" on the Windows taskbar. Then they cannot access preferences or quit the program. Of course, you will need to find a third party program for this feature.