rcalinjageman / esci

Estimation Statistics with Confidence Intervals
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Switch does not recognize the presence of raw data #7

Closed jwilmer closed 11 months ago

jwilmer commented 3 years ago

Code like that below, for several of the functions that allow either raw or summary data, throw errors like 'argument "r" is missing, with no default,' suggesting that the switch is somehow not recognizing the intended "fromraw" (raw data) default that is assumed by the R code that jamovi's esci module outputs.

library(tidyverse) # makes read_tsv function available

data=read_tsv(file=url("https://www.dropbox.com/s/0u6wx1yb7uqqjgh/d2?raw=1")) # reads in tsv data from file d2

esci::jmvEstimateCorrelation( data = data, dv = Q2, iv = Q1, ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)

Full error: Error in jmvEstimateCorrelationOptions$new(switch = switch, dv = dv, iv = iv, : argument "r" is missing, with no default

rcalinjageman commented 11 months ago

I think I've now worked out all the bugs with syntax mode. I continue to think that the base functions in esci would be easier to teach students -- they split the process up into an estimate function, a plot function, and a test_ function -- so each function has a reasonable and relevant number of parameter. With jamovi, it is one function per analysis, and with the graph controls these functions can now have nearly 100 parameters! You'll have to experiment a bit and let me know how successful the jamovi functions are.