rcaloras / bash-preexec

⚡ preexec and precmd functions for Bash just like Zsh.
MIT License
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preexec called twice when SIGINT trap is used #162

Open danieltodor opened 1 month ago

danieltodor commented 1 month ago

Function added to preexec_functions is called twice when it is also added to a SIGINT trap and ^C is pressed.

Test code for bash:

test() {
    echo $1

trap "test sigint" INT


source ~/.bash-preexec.sh

PS1="❯ "

Without the trap the output has no problem when i press ^C 3 times. The preexec was not called.

❯ ^C
❯ ^C
❯ ^C

But when the trap is enabled then the test func is called 2 times per each ^C. Once with the last command from preexec, once with the argument from the trap.





With a similar test code, zsh doesn't have this weird behavior. test is only called from the trap.

❯ sigint

❯ sigint

❯ sigint


The zsh equivalent test code:

test() {
    echo $1

    test sigint
    return $(( 128 + $1 ))

autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook preexec test

akinomyoga commented 1 month ago

Due to the current approach of preexec using the DEBUG trap, I think there is no way to distinguish the execution of a trap handler from that of a user command. In Bash 5.3+, one might use PS0 + funsub as a more robust implementation of preexec.