Closed RonanMacF closed 3 years ago
Now that is a weird one 😅 Not sure how I can debug this. I'd imagine there is something else in your config, because I've never experienced this. If you can try and replicate with a minimal init.vim then I can narrow it down further
looks like I may have jumped the gun. After some investigation I realised the problem is au TermOpen,TermEnter,BufEnter * if &buftype == 'terminal' | :startinsert | endif
I use this aucmd to automatically enter insert mode when I enter a terminal buffer, looks like Ulteset may be opening a terminal scratch buffer or something. Will close as user error
Describe the bug Running Ultest-nearest on a passing test works as expected. Running Ultest-nearest on a failing test puts neovim into insert mode at the end. Running Ultest-file which contains a failing test also puts neovim into insert mode.