rcasteran / jarvis4se

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Attribute definition for function and functional element #16

Closed rcasteran closed 2 years ago

rcasteran commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Allow to add attribute to a function / a data / an element / a state

Describe the solution you'd like Support the following command to declare an attribute:

<Attribute name> is an attribute.
The type of <Attribute name> is <Attribute type>.

Support the following command to describe an object with an attribute:

The <Attribute name> of <Object name> is <Attribute value>

Describe alternatives you've considered None

Not2behere commented 2 years ago

Does it have to be displayed within diagrams also ? If this the case, i've to check if this is possible and how for each type of diagrams with plantuml (TBC).

Not2behere commented 2 years ago

So after having checked possibilities offered by Plantuml, see below and let me know.

  1. States within a state diagram:
[*] --> State1
State1 --> [*]
State1 : attribute : value

PlantUML model

  1. Function/functional element within "Object" diagrams (decompo/context/chain/...):
object user
user : attribute = value

PlantUML model

  1. Function within a sequence diagram (useful ?):
participant Boby [
    ""attribute = value""

participant L as "Bob\nattribute = value"

Boby -> L

PlantUML model

  1. Data (in all diagrams TBC) could overwhelm the overall diagram:
object F1
Object F2
F1 --> F2 : data [attribute = value]

PlantUML model

So let me know per diagram, which object's attribute you'd like displayed.

Regarding this new "Attribute" object you'd like :

rcasteran commented 2 years ago

First priority is to have attributes on function / functional element. Nothing to be displayed on sequence diagram, but on context and decomposition diagram. I renamed the issue accordingly.

An attribute can be added to any objects, no special rules. For example an attribute "A" can be added to function and data and an attribute "B" to function and functional element.

An attribute will have as properties : name, type and value. The value of the property "value" of an attribute will vary according to the described object. In the example above, attribute "A" could have a different value for each function it describes.

No rules about the type for the moment, please consider it for the moment as a meaningless string.

Not2behere commented 2 years ago

See release 1.1.3 and related commits