rcasula / kostalpiko-homeassistant

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Problem with multiple Pico converters #8

Open michis0806 opened 2 years ago

michis0806 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have two Piko converters. When I try to add the second one, the values get mixed up. So the second Piko is added to the first one, the second integration shows a device without any entities...

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rcasula commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is interesting. I will definitely look into it, but as I don't have multiple inverters this could be very difficult.

DrNoGo commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

it seems I have stumbled over the same problem. As I'm new to HA, I assumed that the problem caused somehow by a wrong confiuration or something like this.

I've also two Piko converters in my system. The 1st one seems to work fine and delivers data. In my setup, the 2nd converter shows the configured parameter but the 2nd one shows that data is unavailable.

Well, as I told you, I'm new to HA but I'm willing to help. Please let me know if you need debug information, logs, tests,...

Best regards, DrNoGo

DrNoGo commented 1 year ago

I digged a little bit in the configuration files and it seems that in config/.storage/core.entity_registry identical entity_ids are assigned for the two devices. I was able to fix that by changing new entitiy_ids using the GUI.

Unfortunately I can't provide screenshots or debug data, because since I changed the entitiy_ids, I can't reproduce the issue even if I remove the entities and the Piko integration.

As far as I remember, the entity_Id was for both devices sensor.wechselrichter1_current_power. Looking throuhg the GUI, I've seen that both devices had the same name despite I assigned different ones during creation.

Probably it's enough to just re-change the name of one of the devices? The GUI asks then if it should also change the entity IDs...

Best regards, DrNoGo

cre-science commented 6 months ago

The issue comes from the signal "kostal_init_sensors"

When there are multiply entries, it tries to register this service multiple times and entities are going to be registered to a random device. I'm currently rewriting this integration, will create a PR later today