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Read-Only Role for OpenStack Services #871

Open seancarlisle opened 10 years ago

seancarlisle commented 10 years ago

Use cases exist where users need to retrieve usage information, but not be able to create or delete anything in the environment. This necessitates the creation of a read-only Keystone role, but will require modifications to policy.json for each of the services. Below are VERY rough steps on how I modified Nova's policy.json in my lab:

odyssey4me commented 10 years ago

We've thought of a few roles:

  1. Project Admin - Admin for a Project only. Should be able to do what is standard for a normal 'member' today. Launch, terminate, etc servers and all that. This role should perhaps also be allowed to create users for the project too?
  2. Project Viewer - Only allowed access to work within a project in a read-only way. ie no access to erminate/create/etc. Server console access is allowed too.
  3. Project Reporter - Pretty much the same as a viewer, but no access to the server consoles. The purpose is to provide access to reporting information: quotas, stats, ceilometer stats, etc.
  4. Domain Admin - Admin for a Keystone v3 Domain. Should be able to create projects & users, but should only be a 'reporter' within projects.
  5. Domain Reporter - Should only have access reporting/quota information for the domain and its projects.
Simna123 commented 10 years ago

its not working for me ! Please help

mancdaz commented 10 years ago

Hi @Simna123

What exactly isn't working for you? If you could provide a little more information (logs, errors etc) it would aid us in getting to the bottom of your problem.


Simna123 commented 10 years ago

All i need is a read-only role which can be assigned to users in openstack.

As explained in the above post (by seancarlisle),

I created a Role - "viewer" Assigned it to a new User Removed the member role from that particular user And in /etc/nova/policy.json Added a new rule named "viewer" like so: "viewer": "role:viewer" Change the "default" rule like so: "default": "rule:viewer" Change "admin_or_owner" rule like so: "admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or role:Member" & "compute:create": "", becomes "compute:create": "rule:admin_or_owner"

Now what i am expecting as output is that, the new user with viewer role will not be able to launch instances.

But the new user is still able to launch instances. :/

binoymvas commented 7 years ago

same for me too. New user is still able to launch instances

kingttx commented 6 years ago

There is an old but inactive blueprint for this. I would love to have this role added to the vanilla code! https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/admin-readonly-role