rcc5418 / NotSoFastEgghead

The GitHub repo for DIGIT 110's Fall 2023 big project. Members are Reece Cullen, Alyssa Hopple, and Kayla Hopple
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DIGIT Works Feedback #1

Open rcc5418 opened 9 months ago

rcc5418 commented 9 months ago

How did we do on our DIGIT Works presentation? Was there anything you liked? Anything you want to critique? Please, leave your comments below! running

ceq5032 commented 9 months ago

Hey Sonic Team!

I wanted to say kudos for the exceptional design of your website. The overall development is commendable, providing a user-friendly experience. I particularly enjoyed exploring the characters page, which offered valuable insights into each character. While navigating through the website, I couldn't help but wish for glimpses of your coding showcased on the webpage. I do recognize that you had links that would direct you to the coding, but including previews of your coding would have added an extra layer of appreciation for the technical aspects of your work.

gylertaydos commented 9 months ago

Hey, Sonic Team. I think your website is pretty good. I really like that you have an icon of a ring that displays in the website's tab. The only thing I can say is I'm a little unsure about the CSS of the website. Firstly, I feel like the font looks a little too "standard" for the rest of the site's aesthetic. I also think some of the pictures are a little too big, which leads to everything else on the webpage also being quite big to compensate.

MadisonSciarrillo commented 9 months ago

Hi Sonic Team!

Your team's website impresses with its aesthetic appeal and well-organized content, creating a seamless navigation experience. The thoughtful arrangement of information contributes to a user-friendly interface, allowing visitors to effortlessly explore and engage with the content. Although if I did have to add a suggestion for your website I do agree with Tyler about changing some of the image sizing throughout your site.

mew-II commented 9 months ago

Hey Sonic team, the website looked great, and the content was even more so, it’s tough to find anything that was particularly problematic so I’ll be a bit nitpicky, I think the images may be a bit large in some circumstances, such as when the supersede the size of the text block next to them. Though I’m unsure if it would look better or worse to match them without seeing it, I feel it’d be worth a look. Great job guys.

MystKitteh commented 9 months ago

Hey Sonic team! I love the colors you all chose for your website, it's very cohesive. The background image is cute and soft so it doesn't overpower all of the main information. The website is very easy to navigate through too. My only suggestion is to maybe change the font to something that might fit Sonic's theme a bit better.

lgmccurdy commented 9 months ago

Hi Sonic Team! I really love your website's interface and how easy it is to navigate. The information provided on the character page is also very insightful. My only suggestion is in agreement with a couple other people's suggestions, which is scaling down some of the images as they are a little big.

hsosia1 commented 9 months ago

For the Sonic Team, I like how informative the web page is, as well as the layout style, image, and background color. My only suggestion is to have more experience with font styling; otherwise, I think you did a fantastic job.