rcdmk / aspJSON

A fast classic ASP JSON parser and encoder for easy JSON manipulation to work with the new JavaScript MV* libraries and frameworks.
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Using Gitflow in this project? #63

Closed MarcoMiltenburg closed 6 years ago

MarcoMiltenburg commented 6 years ago

From the naming of branches I assume Gitflow is used in this project. But it looks like it's not used correctly / consistently. For example I see no release branches. This might look like overkill it does have a purpose.

For example now the develop branch is never up-to-date with the latest released version number. In a regular Gitflow workflow you bump the version number in a release branch and merge that to master AND develop when it's released.

Also some of the smaller bugfixes should actually be created in a hotfix branch from master and upon release be merged into master AND develop and possibly a release branch if one is active at that moment. I sometimes cheat here by continuing an older release branch and fixing it in that same branch (which is then called for example release/3.6.x) , bumping the patch version number (i.e. the last part of the version, see Semantic Versioning) and release that by merging again to master and develop.

And please set the repository's default branch to develop instead of master as that is the main development branch.

rcdmk commented 6 years ago

Hi. I appreciate your desire to help. I do know and follow git flow in many real life projects that deserve this kind of control. This project is simple enough to justify only two branches in what I call a simplified git flow. The master branch is the current release, stable and tested code, while the develop branch is the work in progress branch.

We have only a single code file. Ok, we could split each class in its own file, but even then we would have 3 small files.

I got your point, but I can't see this project growing beyond one more class for raw values and this structure seems fine to me.

I'm happy to receive any feedback and contribution.

Thank you.

MarcoMiltenburg commented 6 years ago

Yes, sure, I understand. I only found it a bit confusing to see that the version in the develop branch was lower than the currently released version in the master branch.

There's really no need to split the file by class. I would even say that would make it even harder to use. Now it's a single file drop-in library that you can use which makes it much easier to use.

rcdmk commented 6 years ago

Ok. So I'll make sure to merge back the master branch into develop after releasing and this should avoid that issue.