rcedgar / muscle

Multiple sequence and structure alignment with top benchmark scores scalable to thousands of sequences. Generates replicate alignments, enabling assessment of downstream analyses such as trees and predicted structures.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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error when running #23

Closed CaiWang0503 closed 2 years ago

CaiWang0503 commented 2 years ago

dyld: Symbol not found: ZNKSt7cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4findEPKcmm Referenced from: /Users/wang/src/BLCA/muscle Expected in: /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib in /Users/wang/src/BLCA/muscle Abort trap: 6

anyone knows how fix it? thank you

rcedgar commented 2 years ago

which o/s? which version exactly, did you get the binary from release tag v5,1 or did you recompile?

CaiWang0503 commented 2 years ago

my mac is macos sierra 10.12.6, i download the muscle5.1.macos_intel64 and then give it execute permissions

rcedgar commented 2 years ago

If you recompile it should work. edit Actually I think it should also work if you install gcc-11, which you can do using brew install gcc.

Unfortunately, Apple make it very difficult to build a binary which will run under different MacOS releases, and it's also difficult for me to test on a range of different MacOS releases because accessing Macs in the cloud is clunky and expensive. If anyone has suggestions for improvements, I would be grateful. See the Wiki https://github.com/rcedgar/muscle/wiki for notes on how and why the Makefile is designed.

CaiWang0503 commented 2 years ago

thank you very much, i will try gcc-11 and recompile it, and go back here.

rcedgar commented 2 years ago

Please trying the installing gcc-11and check if this solves the problem with the muscle5.1.macos_intel64 binary in the release without recompiling, no doubt other people will have the same problem. Let me know if that is a fix, thanks!

CaiWang0503 commented 2 years ago

finally, i update the macos to 10.15, and then install gcc-11, and recompile it, it works