rchain-community / daw205

status: exploratory; moribund
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use reasonml / ocaml rather than js / typescript / @ts-check to capture requirements? #4

Closed dckc closed 3 years ago

dckc commented 3 years ago

So far, this exploration is using a @ts-check dialect of js that supports static analysis with the typescript compiler. I find it to be a pretty good compromise between a type system to support correct-by-construction and the actual runtime environments in the web.

But collaboration with @leithaus (for example, using types to capture requirements) might be smoother using reasoml, i.e. ocaml compiled to js. During a brief time when I had an ocaml project set up well, it was really a blast and reasonml has long been on my list of things I'd like to try out.

cc @fabcotech @9rb @tgrospic @jimscarver

fabcotech commented 3 years ago

I would be in the favor of using very standard web technologies, react+redux +ts(+1 from me) or vue+redux+ts. If eventually in the future another team forks it or builds on it, its always better to have followed industry standards.

I can put something up very quickly, at least a clean bootstrap project we'll build upon.

TheoXD commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I would advise to go with typescript and a component-based mobile-first web framework (Vue/React/Angular), it gets the job done. I personally would recommend typescript+vue+ionic+capacitor as well as vue-class-component, vue-projerty-decorator and typed-vuex.

fabcotech commented 3 years ago

capacitor ? in order to anticipate getting it on mobile ??

dckc commented 3 years ago

I haven't seen interest from @leithaus nor anyone else in writing reasonml / ocaml.

dckc commented 3 years ago

As to other technology choices, I don't have much preference, though I suggest moving that discussion to other issues (or preferably: pull requests).

I have pretty much exhausted the amount of time I want / plan to spend on this project, at least until someone addresses #6 .