rchain-community / rchain-dbr

RChain Distributed Budgeting and Rewards Bounty Web Site
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Adding a few things to the code #1

Closed hyperevo closed 6 years ago

hyperevo commented 6 years ago

1) I added error_log to .gitignore

2) Added fallback to the github authentication callback for people who have disabled javascript. It shows a form submit button that allows them to complete authentication. The only change in github_auth_callback.php is the line near the bottom that has the noscript tags

3) Removed hardcoded xataface directory from index.php. Then replaced xataface_location with xataface_folder in conf.ini

4) Replaced discord_coop_role with discord_coop_role_id in the config.ini because it is now an id.

5) Modified checkIfVerifiedCoop() function to work now that we store the discord snowflake instead of boolean. This allows xataface to remove the "Verify Coop Membership" menu item if the user has already been verified.

notes: I didn't actually change anything in XDB.php. I don't know why it thinks that file is different.