Closed w2vy closed 3 years ago
After completing the pyrgov code, I am not sure we can make uniform return structures in rholang. I settled on delegating that task to the wrapper layer above rholang, in my case python If this is a reasonable path for other upper layer languages then we can close this issue
Receiving no objections I will close the issue I created. The API layer can provide a uniform interface to the application. Which makes sense since each language may have slightly different norms for a consistent API
When a valid vote is cast it returns two lists: return!(["oldvote was",oldvote]) | return!(["newvote is",proposal]) |
When an invalid proposal is given it returns a map(?) return!({"unknown proposal": proposal, "valid proposals": proposalNames})
return types should be consistent
Is there any value in oldvote and newvote reporting to be in Par? Why not simply return!([oldvote, proposal])