rchain / bounties

RChain Bounty Program
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O> Onboarding Skills inventory: Developer? Writer? Redditor? etc. #222

Open dckc opened 6 years ago

dckc commented 6 years ago

I suggest we encourage new members to fill out a skills inventory. Perhaps when they join formally, but also as part of "welcome to RChain" messages on telegram etc.

edit: After a couple weeks of discussion, we have:


By way of example:

This perhaps overlaps with #15, but that discussion is so long I can't tell quickly. If there is already a skills inventory, I would like a list of those who identified themselves as software developers.

I discussed this briefly with @patrick727 and he suggested I notify @drbloom and @lapin7 .

Keaycee commented 6 years ago

@dckc I think Github ID is more essential. Although we have contributing members on discord. But Github is a core place where issues are been placed and discussed. The email feature has already been turned on. @lapin7 The form is good

dckc commented 6 years ago

One of the responses has no URL, no name, and no bio. That is: nothing to help me get to know the person.

I used the conditional sections feature to choose between a section for "online profile URL" and "fill out profile". So you have to fill out one or the other.

dckc commented 6 years ago

Feedback has slowed down. Let's see if that represents consensus. I took DRAFT off.

Here's a short URL; go forth and promote it widely: https://goo.gl/ffWXzD

Keaycee commented 6 years ago

Probably because we have few cooperative members here on Github. How about putting the draft on Discord and Telegram. I discover people don't like filling forms or KYCED.

ghost commented 6 years ago

How about we create a Markdown document with all the people that are working on something, their skill, what they are working on currently or the past.


Nickname: ICA3DaR5 Name: Donald Iljazi email: ICA3DaR5@protonmail.com Social Media: Discord: ICA3DaR5#1090, Reddit, Twitter, GitHub Skills:

Studies: BS(c) Computer Networks, University of East London.

Something like that...?

dckc commented 6 years ago

Reading the results in that format would be nicer than the current spreadsheet formatting. I think it's straightforward to "pour" the spreadsheet into a Google Sites template page to achieve that result.

But I don't want to put learning markdown in the critical path of someone who wants to share their skills and background with me. And I'm not sure how to set up appropriate access control. When it comes to technical collaboration, I'm a hard-liner for "all info is public" but when it comes to interpersonal issues such as this, I think limited disclosure is worthwhile to allow people to be more comfortable sharing.

We could perhaps use a google doc... the results would probably not be as structured. Maybe that would be a good thing, maybe not. I'm not inclined to switch directions now. The https://goo.gl/ffWXzD form is working. We have 33 responses so far!

dckc commented 6 years ago

@9rb I see you assigned yourself and @jhngrant 4 days ago. What do you plan to do?

dckc commented 6 years ago

I did some google scripting to reformat the data:

flowed text

The script isn't automatically run when new responses come in.

And it's not very pretty. But it's easier to read than the spreadsheet in some ways.

Ojimadu commented 6 years ago

@dckc the link requires access permissions.

dckc commented 6 years ago

oops! ok... I shared it with rchain@googlegroups.com

lapin7 commented 6 years ago

@dckc Can we make this procedure as a kind of logon requisite. I get tons of emails for asking request to our docs. They have to become a member of rchain@googlegroups.com. And folks have to become a collaborator on Github/rchain/bounties.

And when they get a bounty they to fill out more personal data, like:

Could the data above be linked to the public data of Github through a "limited access" database/spreadsheet?

dckc commented 6 years ago

It's not immediately clear how to do all that, @lapin7, but I'll think it over.

lapin7 commented 6 years ago

For the moment I think an easy export of bounty-collaborators to a Gsheet would suffice. I would then make a link based on github-ID in a Gsheet and keep the personal data in a separate Gsheet.

dckc commented 5 years ago

@ysgjay in your recent Greeter work (cf. #783), is there anything like this survey?