rchain / bounties

RChain Bounty Program
MIT License
90 stars 62 forks source link

Meetup "Formal Verification for Real-World Business", Europe/Ukraine #944

Closed golovach-ivan closed 5 years ago

golovach-ivan commented 5 years ago

Hold a meeting "Formal Verification for Real-World Business" for business developers (insurance).

Benefit to RChain

Budget and Objective


golovach.ivan - 85% kovmargo - 15%


Publicity, Banners, Digital graphics $100 Hall renting $100 Camera and associated gadgets renting + video processing $150 Logistics $50 Slides development - golovach.ivan time Speech/Info preparing - golovach.ivan time Video processing consultancy, organization - kov.margo time

Estimated Budget of Task: $[2000] Estimated Timeline Required to Complete the Task: [1week] How will we measure completion? [processed video uploaded to Youtube channel + slides uploaded to #779 ("meetup in the box" issue) google directory

Ojimadu commented 5 years ago

@golovach-ivan Has this meet up been held? Please see the "local meet up guide" in the wiki and acquaint yourself with it.

golovach-ivan commented 5 years ago

Yes, meetup was held in software development company with insuarance specialisation (Fortifier) for management and developers.

AyAyRon-P commented 5 years ago

@golovach-ivan @kovmargo

Would you all please post these in the LOCAL MEETUP SERVER under the https://discord.gg/mn4JwMW Europe channel?

dckc commented 5 years ago

I see rewards were issued in the 201808 pay period.

Ojimadu commented 5 years ago

@golovach-ivan Please on subsequent issues create the issue like a week prior to the event and not after the event has been held. Also have a look the local meet up program and acquaint yourself with it.