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RChain Bounty Program
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Translate 5 blog posts to Greek (September) #955

Closed zero-andreou closed 5 years ago

zero-andreou commented 5 years ago

Benefit to RChain

Reach a larger audience and help expand the community building.

Translations will be posted both on the RChain Worldwide Community Forum > Greek (Ελληνικά) > Blog (Ιστολόγιο), the RChain Cooperative (Greek) and Medium account.

Budget and Objective

Please make the issue SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.

Estimated Budget of Task: *$561.03 + ($561.03 10% = $56.10) = $[617.13] Estimated Timeline Required to Complete the Task: [24 days] How will we measure completion? [Translations will be posted on the RChain Worldwide Community Forum > Greek (Ελληνικά) > Blog (Ιστολόγιο) and the RChain Cooperative (Greek) Medium account.]**

See CONTRIBUTING.md for details on budget and reward process.


Task Submitter shall not submit Tasks that will involve RHOC being transacted in any manner that (i) jeopardizes RHOC’s status as a software access token or other relevant and applicable description of the RHOC as an “asset”—not a security— or (2) violates, in any manner, applicable U.S. Securities laws.

Translation Checklist

for non translation issues, delete this section

Word counting and pricing for translations will be done with The World's Fastest Human Translation Service

Original (English) Content

Translated (Greek) Content

ysgjay commented 5 years ago

Is there a market for Greek translations? Where are these translations posted after completion?

zero-andreou commented 5 years ago

@jplepel They are currently being posted on rchain community forum, medium and facebook. We are also looking to post them on other media as well, specifically greek communities. Also we are doing promotion for the forum for a broader marketing effort.

ysgjay commented 5 years ago

@zero-andreou Can you provide metrics on your past translations?

zero-andreou commented 5 years ago

@jplepel We will provide the metrics for the translations and the forum by the end of the month.

ysgjay commented 5 years ago

@zero-andreou I'd like to see metrics on prior translations for the month of august. There needs to be a proven market and demand for greek translations. In the loomio poll 5months ago, greek finished 9th.

In 2012, 51% of people in Greece can speak English. While that number is not very high, I'm assuming the % of people that are tech literate know English well. I am open to be proven wrong.

zero-andreou commented 5 years ago

@jplepel The country had an economic crisis for the past several years which led to English illiteracy in the young population. You are right about the current metrics but don't forget that RChain is fairly new and hasn't released its main net yet. In my opinion the translations have a timeless value and they are going to be read in the future more than they are read now, especially when RChain releases its main net and forward.

ysgjay commented 5 years ago


Using google translate is sufficient for blog posts.

zero-andreou commented 5 years ago

@jplepel I don't think so.

ysgjay commented 5 years ago

Why was this reopened?

ghost commented 5 years ago

@ysgjay Because we voted on it regardless of the trust metric. I am expecting the guides to close it I guess.