rchain / bounties

RChain Bounty Program
MIT License
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REFORMS IN THE BOUNTY PROGRAM; What is the direction? #982

Closed azazime closed 5 years ago

azazime commented 5 years ago

With all the current reforms which has been on-going in the past couple of weeks, there is a need for clarity;

Benefit to RChain

BOUNTY REFORMS; clarity for RAMs contributing to RChain through the Bounty Program

Budget and Objective

Please make the issue SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. Estimated Budget of Task: **$(???)


Task Submitter shall not submit Tasks that will involve RHOC being transacted in any manner that (i) jeopardizes RHOC’s status as a software access token or other relevant and applicable description of the RHOC as an “asset”—not a security— or (2) violates, in any manner, applicable U.S. Securities laws.

Cc @dckc @deannald @David405 @ddayan @zsluedem @jasoncruzzy @tucsonblockchain @jimscarver @casanwugo @Ojimadu @kitblake @philipandri002 @kovmargo @allancto

ddayan commented 5 years ago
  1. I believe the new system is more decentralised because everyone can be a contributor and a sponsor.

  2. Usually bounties start by someone requesting for a service. Our system gives people an option to suggest a bounty and people have been abusing that to force-feed us with bounties that no one found useful (some of them were even harmful). I'm trying to make the sponsorship request mechanism easier but I want to emphasise that it wouldn't increase the approval rates.

  3. Not sure I understand the question, but I saw that the compensation committee is planing to discuss the payment issues that people raised.

  4. The reform just started but I believe we can already see that there's a reduction in bounties that no one in the coop management team finds useful.

jasoncruzzy commented 5 years ago

1) Not elaborate: @ddayan how does having just 3 certified trust metric members make the process less decentralized??, or has the voting process for the bounties changed??

3) Market Cap average: Talked about the Rhocs/Dollar payment for bounties workers, here it is 👇👇

In full context from the January 25 Board Meeting Minutes:

WHEREAS, the Cooperative wishes to incentivize its employees, contractors, and other members to choose to accept RHOC/REV in exchange for work provided to the Cooperative. RESOLVED, the policy of the Cooperative shall be that the price of RHOC/REV tokens for the purpose of calculating the quantity to be paid to employees and contractors of the Cooperative shall be calculated using a 30 day market weighted average price calculated on the day prior to payment, or the prior day’s listed price on Coinmarketcap.com, whichever is lower. Further details will be in the Compensation Committee’s policy for the Cooperative. FURTHER RESOLVED, the Compensation Committee shall control revisions of this policy going forward, and to effect a change to this policy the Compensation Committee shall submit a written proposal for an amended policy for Board approval.


👆 This has been a debate for some time now, and it keeps coming up. From my understanding of that, the RESOLUTION was, the bounties program either use a 31day weighted market average or a previous day market cap(coinmarket) but 'WHICH EVER IS LOWER' but it seems we only use the 31day market weighted average...Have an idea if the board has reviewed this??

4) New Reforms: @ddayan do we have a 'google docs' where this reforms are outlined, because I only see this reforms on 'Discord' as comments, which only makes the system much more complicated for enthusiastic NEW members?

ddayan commented 5 years ago


  1. People are more depended on sponsorships than on the certified trust metric members. It's extremely unlikely that the certified members will down vote you if you have a sponsor. Also those trusted individuals were picked by the board which we as a coop elected so the process of electing them was fairly decentralised.

  2. As I said before I believe that the compensation committee will discuss it.

  3. I don't think there's a google doc.

tucsonblockchain commented 5 years ago

System is highly centralized, I'd rather work within a 2 party failure

dckc commented 5 years ago

969 covers the question of USD/RHOC rate for rewards.

The rest of this issue is a duplicate of #783, no?

azazime commented 5 years ago

No @dckc

dckc commented 5 years ago

Which part of the issue is not subsumed by #783 and #969?

I can elaborate on how this is a duplicate:

... why is there just three(3) members ...?

because the executive committee chose a TAC consisting of 3 members and as explained in #783, those three TAC members are raising the bar for delegating, based on feedback at and since RCon3

... How do a new member get sponsors for his work if he barely knows who to meet or how to go about it?

As explained in #783, it's important to help each other find sponsors for good work. I gave an example of how I am making an effort to do so.

Market Price Cap as it pertains to payment of Rcontributors; what exactly is the board resolution on this issue?

It's quoted in full in #969.

How effective are the new reforms in the bounty system?

The new reforms are the subject of #783.

ddayan commented 5 years ago

@tucsonblockchain How is that centralised? anyone could be a sponsor even you and me! The voting is only for the distribution of the sponsorship between collaborators.

tucsonblockchain commented 5 years ago

This is far beyond Mother May I. This is not self determination, this is not self sufficiency, this is not self governance. We already proved that point and it all got swept under the carpet and for that it clearly meets the definition of centralized, certainly doesn't meet or even come close to the criteria of decentralization. We tried offering solutions and even elected a delegate (Andrew) and it basically was ignored. We tried the sociocratic democratic method and rightfully so, and it got ignored. And then mid stream, it seemed they wanted to go another direction, top down, from "the board". This is like a kingdom, not a common people determining destiny. This is like some corporate thing claiming to be decentralized and for the members, when it just turns into some Rholang do as I say. The voting and collaboration thing is a bottleneck. Clearly the spinoff needs to be competing methodology and put that up against this decentralized process. The mother may I nature of this voting system and the talk alone is centralized, but it's not walking the walk.

azazime commented 5 years ago

@dckc I believe my question; How effective are the new reforms to the bounty system is clear enough? What seems to be confusing is your reply...am trying to understand how effectiveness in this case is subject to #783 ?? Please can you explain what you mean, thanks

jimscarver commented 5 years ago

Identifying sponsors may be a difficult process. I suggest we employ endorsements 👍 and objections 👎 to cooperatively indicate sentiment along with comment we enter on issues. We might use other reactions additionally like 💯 or 🥇 to indicate degree of support.

kovmargo commented 5 years ago

Hi guys! A lot of questions arise in relation on new reforms and on the eve of voting. I see no better way than asking questions here:

  1. Will continue to vote for the issues that we open/close in September?
  2. From which date for open-issues sponsors will be needed? For example, issues that were open after 19 Sep should have sponsors
  3. There are 9 people with the rating at the rewards not 3 as it were describe above. Why? What is their role now? Is there a connection with sponsors?
  4. Is there a list of all departments and the people who head them and those who can sponsor? I will explain. For example, I want to do smth valuable for coop and first I need to find the sponsor. What should be my steps? @dckc "As explained in #783, it's important to help each other find sponsors for good work. I gave an example of how I am making an effort to do so." Sorry, I read all #783 and didn't find clear steps how to find sponsors.

I would be very grateful to receive specific answers.

azazime commented 5 years ago

@kovmargo I believe your questions were answered in issue #783 ??

dckc commented 5 years ago

Every question raised here has been in scope for #783 or #969. This is clearly a duplicate.

dckc commented 5 years ago

If you want to reopen an issue, be sure to explain why.