rchain / rchip-proposals

Where RChain improvement proposals can be submitted
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Prepaid rholang execution PRE #38

Open fabcotech opened 3 years ago

fabcotech commented 3 years ago

There is a need for having unknown users, that have never interacted with RChain / the blockchain, being able to deploy. Four propositions/way ofhow to do this have been discussed. Two of them are ready, and can be done with existing rnode.

1 - (ready) Prepaid with public keys list

The dapp develoepr knows the public keys:

Then just send REV to each public key



2 - (ready) Delayed deploy

(1) The user

(2) centralized authentication (email, captcha)

(3) dapp developer fills the account with REV + deploys the deploy signed by user

pros: impossible DDOS, already possible cons: more complicated than onchain authentication

3 - Specific rholang execution, for specific process/rholang (SRE)

The dapp developers expresses his agreement to paying for a given rholang execution after having done the proper verification (rholang)

match (*x == "valid", *process) {
  (true, { "key": "value" }) => {
    if (*registeredUsers < 100) {
      registeredUsersCh!(*registeredUsers + 1) |

      // here dapp developer can send REV to deployed if he wants to
          limit: 2000 (phlo or dust ?),
          allowVault: true/false
  _ => {



4 - Pay after

a deployer starts with negative balance, the deploy is recorded / the change is saved ONLY IF the balance becomes positive or 0 at the end of the deploy