rchain / rchip-proposals

Where RChain improvement proposals can be submitted
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Hard Fork 1 - bonded REVs minted twice #44

Open tgrospic opened 3 years ago

tgrospic commented 3 years ago


This RCHIP should document the error we created when preparing data for genesis block after Hard Fork 1.

During post-process verification of hard fork we discovered that total sum of REVs in wallets file is not the same as initial sum in the first genesis. The difference was found with amount of total bonded validators which are specified in bonds.txt file and used to initialize PoS contact in genesis block.

The mistake was that we didn't take into count creation of PoS address with the balance of total validators stake so now this amount of REVs is created extra.

As part of supporting repository for export of REV balances for Hard For 1 is also validation/report for wallets file for both genesis blocks with the calculation of the error.

Links: Run report, Source


To correct the error we need to burn 6000000000000465 tinyREVs from Coop vault because now all of the staking REV is collected on Coop vault.