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RChain platform is complete?!?!?! #6

Open dckc opened 3 years ago

dckc commented 3 years ago


ian-bloom commented 3 years ago

Current marketing hype could use toning down, so I suggest removing "complete" from most copy. #11

How do you feel about this current text on the main page:

A Complete System RChain is pioneering transparent and secure transactions with an ultra-fast, global scale technology platform. Cooperative governance and a sustainable economic model make RChain a public utility that can be applied to climate change, data security, digital identity, and many other challenges we are collectively facing.

In this context, Complete refers to the three legged school: tech, economics, governance

dckc commented 3 years ago

ultra fast? Transactions take 1 to 3 minutes, last I checked. (The competition has done 200k transactions in 6 minutes in a real world setting. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/i09ftz/solana_reddits_5day_scaling_challenge_in_5/ )

The tech is definitely not complete. Especially later claims in the page: "Rholang, RChain's contract programming language, lets developers write for concurrency and formally verify all processes." Nope. We don't have any static typechecking yet in rholang. Not that it slipped or something... It has been targeted since 2017 for Venus and we're only at Mercury (almost).

Our cooperative governance is limited to electing board members. Nothing has been delegated to anyone but the board and officers. We don't execute on items of business agreed by the membership at annual meetings (e.g. financial statements within 20 days of the end of each quarter). I'd hardly say that's completely ready for global challenges.

We have only the most primitive economic tools. No staking pools nor delegated staking. No stablecoin. No automated market maker. Hardly complete w.r.t. current market expectations. The coop still runs over 2/3rds of the validator nodes (all but 1, right?), so the "economically secured" bit hasn't happened yet in any way shape or form.

I tend to replace "complete" with "emerging". Or a "complete system" with a "complete plan" or "complete architecture" but only if the copy underneath is clear that the implementation is a work in progress.

TheoXD commented 3 years ago

The coop still runs over 2/3rds of the validator nodes (all but 1, right?), so the "economically secured" bit hasn't happened yet in any way shape or form.

Is anyone else running a standalone validator node? Because I'm not validating during this epoch, making all of the nodes co-op owned until next epoch or a fork.