rchouinard / phpass

PHP Password Library: Easy, secure password management for PHP
MIT License
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Added PHP 5.6, 5.5 and HHVM to travis.yml #10

Open Nyholm opened 9 years ago

photodude commented 8 years ago

@Nyholm I would suggest making HHVM an allowed failure until the testing issues can be resolved.

You can also consider being LTS specific with HHVM as of may 2016

HHVM also has a php7 mode that can be tested against like this

- php: hhvm
      sudo: true
      dist: trusty
      group: edge # until the next update
      env: HHVMPHP7="no"
    - php: hhvm
      sudo: true
      dist: trusty
      group: edge # until the next update
      env: HHVMPHP7="yes
    - php: hhvm
  - if [[ $HHVMPHP7 == "yes" ]]; then echo hhvm.php7.all=1 >> /etc/hhvm/php.ini; fi

Additionally, I would now also add PHP7.1 as an allowed failure

Nyholm commented 8 years ago

Im not too sure about the 'dist' property. I added more PHP versions and allow failures for hhvm

photodude commented 8 years ago

The 'dist' property just specifies Trusty as the image rather than precise (the specific ubuntu image used by travis ci)

The Trusty image is newer and has more testing options.

photodude commented 8 years ago

I suggest the following

# Forces new Travis-CI Infrastructure for faster builds
sudo: false

language: php

  fast_finish: true
    - php: 5.3
    - php: 5.4
    - php: 5.5
    - php: 5.6
    - php: 7.0
    - php: 7.1
    - php: hhvm
      sudo: true
      dist: trusty
      group: edge # until the next update
      env: HHVMPHP7="no"
    - php: hhvm
      sudo: true
      dist: trusty
      group: edge # until the next update
      env: HHVMPHP7="yes
    - php: hhvm

  - if [[ $HHVMPHP7 == "yes" ]]; then echo hhvm.php7.all=1 >> /etc/hhvm/php.ini; fi

  - phpunit

without the env: variable HHVM will not run in php7 mode

Nyholm commented 8 years ago

That is an invalid config. https://lint.travis-ci.org/

photodude commented 8 years ago

@Nyholm Check the spacing, I probably copied too many spaces when I cut and pasted from several things to get that config.

I replaced it with the space indenting fixed, should work now

photodude commented 7 years ago

@Nyholm can you try the updated change?