rclab-auth / gidopensees

GiD+OpenSees Interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error in running "Analysis cannot run" #160

Closed thienbuu1802 closed 3 years ago

thienbuu1802 commented 3 years ago

When I create a model, and run it. the model cannot run and an announcement as in attach pic. Can any one help me to solve this? Thanks


cvdr888 commented 3 years ago

I have exactly the same error message.:

Error in base file 'C:/Program Files/GiD/GiD 15.0.3/problemtypes/OpenSees.gid/../OpenSees.gid/OpenSees.bas' at line number 59: ElemsMatProp: element without material

comand:ElemsMatProp must be a char Error in 'strcmp' or 'strcasecmp'. Error in base file 'C:/Program Files/GiD/GiD 15.0.3/problemtypes/OpenSees.gid/../OpenSees.gid/OpenSees.bas' at line number 59: Error into an *if expression

I need help on this issue.

vpapanik commented 3 years ago

There are elements on your model where no material has been assigned to. This may include lines that have been wrongly meshed. Check your model.