rclab-auth / gidopensees

GiD+OpenSees Interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Query regarding analysis in openseesgid #173

Closed rebbavishal272 closed 2 years ago

rebbavishal272 commented 2 years ago

Sir, I have a problem in analysis part it is showing that analysis has been crashed. I did example problem of Masnory structure with concrete slab. I downloaded your model files but I am unable run this files. Please help me. My installation process is also checked thoroughly IMG_20211229_111502

I read log file too but I couldn't figure it out.

Saimmy commented 2 years ago

which version of opensees you are using ??? Try this use Opensees 3.2.1 you can download opensees3.2.1 from below link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uau7mcb8zuwk2fc/AABcQxlVv0fNb5Imw2kZmvN1a?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR0qesJtPU8KdvFAk-RLCqRYgxlNjmO1XaAEfhS8bG57FS7jN3N_RTIHVWs

vpapanik commented 2 years ago

Check whether the generated .tcl file can run in OpenSees in command line. If not, there's something wrong with your OpenSees installation.

cbpilapil commented 2 years ago

Hello Sir, mine says "analysis could not run". I already followed the proper installation procedure. I also tried making a simple box structure with fixed supports. It works fine with a simple structure. However when I tried to model my structure which is more complex, the said dialog pops up.

I also tried to run it in OpenSees but it just closes down when I press enter. I tried to record it when I try to run it in OpenSees and played in slow motion. It says:

PDeltaCrdTransf3d: :getLocalAxes vector v that defines plane xz is parallel to x axis ElasticBeam3d: :setDomain tag: 5 -- Error initializing coordinate transformation

Please help me. Thank you model

cbpilapil commented 2 years ago


Attached is the gid file of my model.

Hoping for your response. Thanks a lot!

vpapanik commented 2 years ago

Yes, there's an issue in the code regarding coordinate accuracy. Try to fix your model coordinates to e.g. three significant digits (millimeters). It looks like you have imported it from somewhere else, so fix the import tolerance to 0.001 image The code should be fixed in the next version.

cbpilapil commented 2 years ago

Hello Sir. Thank you for your response. Regarding the import issues, maybe it's not about it sir since I made the model from scratch in the GiD+OpenSees Interface.

vpapanik commented 2 years ago

So how did you end up with so many significant digits in your node coordinates ?

vpapanik commented 2 years ago

Anyway, this issue will be tackled in the upcoming version 2.9.5.

vpapanik commented 2 years ago
