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Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratan (100%) #18

Closed rclanan closed 3 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Congrats on starting Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana, Henepola Gunaratana, I hope you enjoy it! It has an average of 4.5/5 stars and 13 ratings on Google Books.

Book details (JSON) ```json { "title": "Mindfulness in Plain English", "authors": [ "Bhante Gunaratana", "Henepola Gunaratana" ], "publisher": "Simon and Schuster", "publishedDate": "2011-09-06", "description": "Presents an introduction to meditation according to Buddhist principles, describing the advantages of the practice and addressing some of the difficulties that can come up.", "image": "http://books.google.com/books/content?id=nY9j66he0NkC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api", "language": "un", "averageRating": 4.5, "ratingsCount": 13, "categories": [ "Philosophy" ], "pageCount": 224, "isbn10": "0861719069", "isbn13": "9780861719068", "googleBooks": { "id": "nY9j66he0NkC", "preview": "http://books.google.com/books?id=nY9j66he0NkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=intitle:Mindfulness+in+Plain+English+by+Bhante+Gunaratan&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api", "info": "http://books.google.com/books?id=nY9j66he0NkC&dq=intitle:Mindfulness+in+Plain+English+by+Bhante+Gunaratan&hl=&source=gbs_api", "canonical": "https://books.google.com/books/about/Mindfulness_in_Plain_English.html?hl=&id=nY9j66he0NkC" } } ```
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github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

You completed this book in 1 minute, 17 seconds, great job!