Closed Wolfthuk closed 7 years ago
42sh/subshell/mixed/builtins/cd/002-multiline (FAILED)
Description: The purpose of this test is to check that the Shell implementation may parse a subshell command on multiple lines.
STDIN: 01: ( 02: cd / ; 03: /Users/agoomany/TRAVAIL/42ShellTester/tmp/write_on_stdout TOKEN201612111732_SUBSHELL ; 04: /Users/agoomany/TRAVAIL/42ShellTester/tmp/display_pwd 05: ) 06: ./write_on_stdout TOKEN201612111732_PARENT
STDOUT: SUCCESS expected_to_not match_regex /Users/agoomany/TRAVAIL/42ShellTester/tmp SUCCESS expected_to match_regex ^PWD:/:PWD$ SUCCESS expected_to match_regex TOKEN201612111732_SUBSHELL FAILURE expected_to match_regex TOKEN201612111732_PARENT 01: TOKEN201612111732_SUBSHELL 02: PWD:/:PWD
STDERR: FAILURE expected_to be_empty 01: 42sh: ): command not found 02: 42sh: ./write_on_stdout: command not found
Résolu, on rend le prompt si une parenthèse n'est pas fermée
42sh/subshell/mixed/builtins/cd/002-multiline (FAILED)
Description: The purpose of this test is to check that the Shell implementation may parse a subshell command on multiple lines.
STDIN: 01: ( 02: cd / ; 03: /Users/agoomany/TRAVAIL/42ShellTester/tmp/write_on_stdout TOKEN201612111732_SUBSHELL ; 04: /Users/agoomany/TRAVAIL/42ShellTester/tmp/display_pwd 05: ) 06: ./write_on_stdout TOKEN201612111732_PARENT
STDOUT: SUCCESS expected_to_not match_regex
SUCCESS expected_to match_regex^PWD:/:PWD$
SUCCESS expected_to match_regexTOKEN201612111732_SUBSHELL
FAILURE expected_to match_regexTOKEN201612111732_PARENT
01: TOKEN201612111732_SUBSHELL 02: PWD:/:PWDSTDERR: FAILURE expected_to be_empty 01: 42sh: ): command not found 02: 42sh: ./write_on_stdout: command not found