rclex / arm32v7_ros_docker

Dockerfile for ROS 2 on arm32v7 arch by building from source
Apache License 2.0
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Problem to build your dockerfile #6

Open elgarbe opened 4 months ago

elgarbe commented 4 months ago

Hi, first of all, thank you for sharing your work. I'm using an odroid XU4 (ARM32v7) with a robot, trying to get ros2 humble working on it. I manage to build humble sources on the odroid. Now I would like to do the same but in docker. So I found your repo and start working with it. I made a copy of your Dockerfile.humble and change a little bit. I use my own ros2.repos, which is the same as yours but with rviz2 and visualization packages removed. Everything is working fine but I can't get all packages build. I see on your readme that you talk about cross compile. That is mean that I can run docker buildx build -t rclex/arm32v7_ros_docker:humble -f Dockerfile.humble . on an Ubuntu PC and get all package compiled for odroid? Once I get the image may I push to dockerhub and then pull on Odroid computer? Thank

takasehideki commented 4 months ago

Hi @elgarbe, thank you for posting on this, but sorry for my late reply,,, First of all, as we mentioned at README, please understand that our motivation to prepare this repository and Docker image is just for Rclex on Nerves. This means that we don't have experience operating the image built from our Dockerfile on the actual board (this is not required for our project).

However, I don't think this Dockerfile and image don't work fine on your board. At least --platform linux/arm/v7 option should be required (this is a README deficiency, will be corrected later).

If you want, please share details of your issue with your Dockerfile. I may be able to help you.

takasehideki commented 4 months ago

Sorry for confusion. --platform linux/arm/v7 option was not required because this Dockerfile is based on the arm32 image. See the detail at #8.