rclone / rclone

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ProtonDrive: pass in option to override pending drafts from the command line #7251

Closed henrybear327 closed 1 year ago

henrybear327 commented 1 year ago

The associated forum post URL from https://forum.rclone.org

Please see this GitHub issue thread

What is your current rclone version (output from rclone version)?

rclone v1.64.0-beta.7291.b95bda1e9

What problem are you are trying to solve?

Overriding the upload draft is a destructive operation. We are proposing to implement a temporarily overriding flag from the command line, so it can be easily specified when needed instead of having to go through the advanced config option

How do you think rclone should be changed to solve that?


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henrybear327 commented 1 year ago

Thanks to Chippit for the suggestion.

@ncw may I ask if you think this is a good idea to implement through the command line? If so, may I ask if there is a specific backend that has this kind of specialized implementation that I can check and follow for the implementation?

Thank you! :)

ncw commented 1 year ago

What you do is make this an advanced option - then it will have a command line flag.

If you don't want it to appear in the config wizard then set Hide: fs.OptionHideConfigurator in the option and rclone will only make the command line flag.

Lots of backends do stuff like this :-)