Closed 6r1zzlyB closed 1 year ago
We have a 2930f template here... are you using this?
If you need to use Ansi, input the entire block
# AnsiHost required in specical cases for HP and Mikrotik devices. Consult rConfig support team for more information - v6 Only
AnsiHost: "yes"
# Sets the number of columns and rows for the terminal window size - v6 Only
setWindowSize: [240, 2048]
# Sets the terminal window size if this is an Ansi Session. 260, 1000 are good numbers, but may need to be adjusted on an as-needed basis - v6 Only
setTerminalDimensions: [260, 1000]
Adjust the 1000 to a greater value in the setTerminalDimensions to see if it helps
I am using that template, just removed the comments. Setting setTerminalDimensions seems to help.
If I have more than one command linked to the device, it seems to truncate the first run command across all subsequent files. If I remove all but the "show run", cuts off at 999.
If I set AnsiHost to yes, I get this.
If I set it to "no", I get this.
Changing "AnsiHost" does not get me a full config backup, so not a current issue.
But when I set setTerminalDimensions to 2000 or 3000, it still cuts off the output in the file.
The config file should be 1617 lines If I copy from putty.
seems to truncate the first run command across all subsequent...
This can happen if the prompt for the device in rConfig is set incorrectly. Its hard to tell without a debug. Try this document, and see if the output gives the reason for the issue. You will have to carefully decipher the output.
Feel to post the output, here, but be sure to remove any sensitive information
Here is a sanitized log. From what I can see, everything looks fine till the switch sends next page command and this seems to stop the output. even though the paging was turned off at the start.
root@apsvapp9994:/var/www/html/rconfig/storage# cd /var/www/html/rconfig && php artisan rconfig:download-device 1 -d
Start rconfig:download-device IDs:1
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT (since last: 0.0672, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT (since last: 0.0035, network: 0.0035s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT (since last: 0.0405, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY (since last: 0.2027, network: 0.2027s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS (since last: 0.0263, network: 0.0001s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS (since last: 0.0237, network: 0.0236s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST (since last: 0.0017, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT (since last: 0.0336, network: 0.0336s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST (since last: 0.0001, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER (since last: 0.0287, network: 0.0287s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE (since last: 0.0722, network: 0.0721s)
00000000 00:00:00:1d:70:61:73:73:77:6f:72:64:2c:6b:65:79 ....password,key\r\n
00000010 62:6f:61:72:64:2d:69:6e:74:65:72:61:63:74:69:76 board-interactiv\r\n
00000020 65:00 e.\r\n
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST (since last: 0.0001, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS (since last: 0.1106, network: 0.1106s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN (since last: 0.0002, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION (since last: 0.1006, network: 0.0001s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (since last: 0.0001, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS (since last: 0.105, network: 0.0001s)
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (since last: 0.0001, network: 0s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS (since last: 0.1053, network: 0.0001s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.3555, network: 0.0001s)
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.1051, network: 0.0001s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:38:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:48 .......8.[232;1H\r\n
00000010 50:72:65:73:73:20:61:6e:79:20:6b:65:79:20:74:6f Press any key to\r\n
00000020 20:63:6f:6e:74:69:6e:75:65:1b:5b:31:33:3b:31:48 continue.[13;1H\r\n
00000030 1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:32:37:48 .[?25h.[1000;27H\r\n
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 19.2382, network: 0s)\r\n
00000000 05:18:07:d2:00:00:00:08:6e:6f:20:70:61:67:65:0a page.\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (since last: 1.0003, network: 0.0001s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:08 ........\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.0001, network: 0s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:02:15:1b:5b:3f:36:6c:1b:5b:31 .........[?6l.[1\r\n
00000010 3b:31:30:30:30:72:1b:5b:3f:37:68:1b:5b:32:4a:1b ;1000r.[?7h.[2J.\r\n
00000020 5b:31:3b:31:48:1b:5b:31:39:32:30:3b:31:39:32:30 [1;1H.[1920;1920\r\n
00000030 48:1b:5b:36:6e:1b:5b:31:3b:31:48:59:6f:75:72:20 H.[6n.[1;1HYour \r\n
00000040 70:72:65:76:69:6f:75:73:20:73:75:63:63:65:73:73 previous success\r\n
00000050 66:75:6c:20:6c:6f:67:69:6e:20:28:61:73:20:6d:61 ful login (as ma\r\n
00000060 6e:61:67:65:72:29:20:77:61:73:20:6f:6e:20:32:30 nager) was on 20\r\n
00000070 32:33:2d:30:38:2d:31:31:20:30:39:3a:32:33:3a:32 23-08-11 09:23:2\r\n
000000b0 32:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32:4b:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31 2;1H.[2K.[1000;1\r\n
000000c0 48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:48 H.[?25h.[1000;1H\r\n
000000f0 31:48:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:38:48:1b:5b:31:30:30 1H.[232;18H.[100\r\n
00000100 30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30 0;1H.[?25h.[1000\r\n
00000110 3b:31:38:48:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:38:48:6f:20:70 ;18H.[232;18Ho p\r\n
00000120 61:67:65:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:38:48:1b:5b:3f age.[1000;18H.[?\r\n
00000130 32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:32:34:48:1b:5b:31 25h.[1000;24H.[1\r\n
00000140 3b:30:48:1b:5b:31:4d:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:48:1b ;0H.[1M.[232;1H.\r\n
00000150 5b:31:4c:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:32:34:48:1b:5b:32 [1L.[1000;24H.[2\r\n
00000160 33:32:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32:4b:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b 32;1H.[2K.[1000;\r\n
00000170 31:48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31 1H.[?25h.[1000;1\r\n
00000180 48:1b:5b:31:3b:32:33:32:72:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b H.[1;232r.[1000;\r\n
00000190 31:48:49:6e:76:61:6c:69:64:20:69:6e:70:75:74:3a 1HInvalid input:\r\n
000001a0 20:6f:0d:0a:1b:5b:31:3b:32:33:32:72:1b:5b:31:30 o...[1;232r.[10\r\n
000001b0 30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32 00;1H.[232;1H.[2\r\n
000001c0 4b:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68 K.[1000;1H.[?25h\r\n
000001d0 1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31 .[1000;1H.[232;1\r\n
000001f0 23:20:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32:33:32 # .[1000;1H.[232\r\n
00000200 3b:31:38:48:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:3f ;18H.[1000;1H.[?\r\n
00000210 32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:38:48 25h.[1000;18H\r\n
-> NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.0005, network: 0.0001s)\r\n
00000000 05:18:07:d2:00:00:00:14:73:68:6f:77:20:72:75:6e run\r\n
00000010 6e:69:6e:67:2d:63:6f:6e:66:69:67:0d ning-config.\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (since last: 0.0372, network: 0.0001s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:14 ........\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.023, network: 0.0001s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:ca:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:38 .........[232;18\r\n
00000010 48:73:68:6f:77:20:72:75:6e:6e:69:1b:5b:31:30:30 Hshow runni.[100\r\n
00000020 30:3b:31:38:48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30 0;18H.[?25h.[100\r\n
00000030 30:3b:32:38:48:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:32:38:48:6e:67 0;28H.[232;28Hng\r\n
00000040 2d:63:6f:6e:66:69:67:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:32:38 -config.[1000;28\r\n
00000050 48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:33:37 H.[?25h.[1000;37\r\n
00000060 48:1b:5b:31:3b:30:48:1b:5b:31:4d:1b:5b:32:33:32 H.[1;0H.[1M.[232\r\n
00000070 3b:31:48:1b:5b:31:4c:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:33:37 ;1H.[1L.[1000;37\r\n
00000080 48:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:48:1b:5b:32:4b:1b:5b:31 H.[232;1H.[2K.[1\r\n
00000090 30:30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30 000;1H.[?25h.[10\r\n
000000a0 30:30:3b:31:48:1b:5b:31:3b:32:33:32:72:1b:5b:31 00;1H.[1;232r.[1\r\n
000000b0 30:30:30:3b:31:48:0d:0a:52:75:6e:6e:69:6e:67:20 000;1H..Running \r\n
000000c0 63:6f:6e:66:69:67:75:72:61:74:69:6f:6e:3a:0d:0a configuration:..\r\n
000000d0 0d:0a ..\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.1068, network: 0.0232s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:10:00:3b:20:68:70:53:74:61:63 ........; hpStac\r\n
00000010 6b:5f:57:43:20:43:6f:6e:66:69:67:75:72:61:74:69 k_WC Configurati\r\n
00000020 6f:6e:20:45:64:69:74:6f:72:3b:20:43:72:65:61:74 on Editor; Creat\r\n
00000030 65:64:20:6f:6e:20:72:65:6c:65:61:73:65:20:23:57 ed on release #W\r\n
00000040 43:2e:31:36:2e:31:31:2e:30:30:31:32:0d:0a:3b:20 C.16.11.0012..; \r\n
00000050 56:65:72:20:23:31:34:3a:36:37:2e:36:66:2e:66:38 Ver #14:67.6f.f8\r\n
00000060 2e:31:64:2e:39:62:2e:33:66:2e:62:66:2e:62:62:2e\r\n
00000070 65:66:2e:37:63:2e:35:39:2e:66:63:2e:36:62:2e:66 ef.7c.59.fc.6b.f\r\n
00000080 62:2e:39:66:2e:66:63:2e:66:66:2e:66:66:2e:33:37 b.9f.fc.ff.ff.37\r\n
00000090 2e:65:66:3a:34:34:0d:0a:68:6f:73:74:6e:61:6d:65 .ef:44..hostname\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.0227, network: 0.0226s)\r\n
00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:03:f5:69:6d:69:74:20:31:30:0d ........imit 10.\r\n
00000010 0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73 .aaa port-access\r\n
00000020 20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:34:20 mac-based 3/34 \r\n
00000030 6c:6f:67:6f:66:66:2d:70:65:72:69:6f:64:20:33:36 logoff-period 36\r\n
00000040 30:30:30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63 port-ac\r\n
00000050 63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33 cess mac-based 3\r\n
00000060 2f:33:34:20:6d:61:63:2d:70:69:6e:0d:0a:61:61:61 /34\r\n
00000070 20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63 port-access mac\r\n
00000080 2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:35:20:61:64:64:72 -based 3/35 addr\r\n
00000090 2d:6c:69:6d:69:74:20:31:30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70 -limit p\r\n
000000a0 6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62 ort-access mac-b\r\n
000000b0 61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:35:20:6c:6f:67:6f:66:66 ased 3/35 logoff\r\n
000000c0 2d:70:65:72:69:6f:64:20:33:36:30:30:30:0d:0a:61 -period 36000..a\r\n
000000d0 61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d aa port-access m\r\n
000000e0 61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:35:20:6d:61 ac-based 3/35 ma\r\n
000000f0 63:2d:70:69:6e:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d port-\r\n
00000100 61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64 access mac-based\r\n
00000110 20:33:2f:33:36:20:61:64:64:72:2d:6c:69:6d:69:74 3/36 addr-limit\r\n
00000120 20:31:30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63 port-ac\r\n
00000130 63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33 cess mac-based 3\r\n
00000140 2f:33:36:20:6c:6f:67:6f:66:66:2d:70:65:72:69:6f /36 logoff-perio\r\n
00000150 64:20:33:36:30:30:30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72 d por\r\n
00000160 74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73 t-access mac-bas\r\n
00000170 65:64:20:33:2f:33:36:20:6d:61:63:2d:70:69:6e:0d ed 3/36 mac-pin.\r\n
00000180 0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73 .aaa port-access\r\n
00000190 20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:37:20 mac-based 3/37 \r\n
000001a0 61:64:64:72:2d:6c:69:6d:69:74:20:31:30:0d:0a:61 addr-limit 10..a\r\n
000001b0 61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d aa port-access m\r\n
000001c0 61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:37:20:6c:6f ac-based 3/37 lo\r\n
000001d0 67:6f:66:66:2d:70:65:72:69:6f:64:20:33:36:30:30 goff-period 3600\r\n
000001e0 30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65 port-acce\r\n
000001f0 73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33 ss mac-based 3/3\r\n
00000200 37:20:6d:61:63:2d:70:69:6e:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70 7 p\r\n
00000210 6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62 ort-access mac-b\r\n
00000220 61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:38:20:61:64:64:72:2d:6c ased 3/38 addr-l\r\n
00000230 69:6d:69:74:20:31:30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72 imit por\r\n
00000240 74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73 t-access mac-bas\r\n
00000250 65:64:20:33:2f:33:38:20:6c:6f:67:6f:66:66:2d:70 ed 3/38 logoff-p\r\n
00000260 65:72:69:6f:64:20:33:36:30:30:30:0d:0a:61:61:61 eriod\r\n
00000270 20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63 port-access mac\r\n
00000280 2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33:38:20:6d:61:63:2d -based 3/38 mac-\r\n
00000290 70:69:6e:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63 port-ac\r\n
000002a0 63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33 cess mac-based 3\r\n
000002b0 2f:33:39:20:61:64:64:72:2d:6c:69:6d:69:74:20:31 /39 addr-limit 1\r\n
000002c0 30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65 port-acce\r\n
000002d0 73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:33 ss mac-based 3/3\r\n
000002e0 39:20:6c:6f:67:6f:66:66:2d:70:65:72:69:6f:64:20 9 logoff-period \r\n
000002f0 33:36:30:30:30:0d:0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d port-\r\n
00000300 61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64 access mac-based\r\n
00000310 20:33:2f:33:39:20:6d:61:63:2d:70:69:6e:0d:0a:61 3/39 mac-pin..a\r\n
00000320 61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d aa port-access m\r\n
00000330 61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:34:30:20:61:64 ac-based 3/40 ad\r\n
00000340 64:72:2d:6c:69:6d:69:74:20:31:30:0d:0a:61:61:61 dr-limit\r\n
00000350 20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73:20:6d:61:63 port-access mac\r\n
00000360 2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:34:30:20:6c:6f:67:6f -based 3/40 logo\r\n
00000370 66:66:2d:70:65:72:69:6f:64:20:33:36:30:30:30:0d ff-period 36000.\r\n
00000380 0a:61:61:61:20:70:6f:72:74:2d:61:63:63:65:73:73 .aaa port-access\r\n
00000390 20:6d:61:63:2d:62:61:73:65:64:20:33:2f:34:30:20 mac-based 3/40 \r\n
000003a0 6d:61:63:2d:70:69:6e:0d:0a:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31 mac-pin...[232;1\r\n
000003b0 48:1b:5b:32:4b:2d:2d:20:4d:4f:52:45:20:2d:2d:2c H.[2K-- MORE --,\r\n
000003c0 20:6e:65:78:74:20:70:61:67:65:3a:20:53:70:61:63 next page: Spac\r\n
000003d0 65:2c:20:6e:65:78:74:20:6c:69:6e:65:3a:20:45:6e e, next line: En\r\n
000003e0 74:65:72:2c:20:71:75:69:74:3a:20:43:6f:6e:74:72 ter, quit: Contr\r\n
000003f0 6f:6c:2d:43:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:31:48 ol-C.[1000;1H\r\n
Start device download for G-Stack3 ID:1
Config downloaded for G-Stack3 with command: "show running-config" was successful
End rconfig:download-device
Update: We have a switch with a smaller config (302 lines), and it works fine. But with our core switches (1652 lines), it has issues.
See this below. Are you sure 'no page' is the right command to disable paging? -> NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 19.2382, network: 0s)\r\n 00000000 05:18:07:d2:00:00:00:08:6e:6f:20:70:61:67:65:0a page.\r\n
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (since last: 1.0003, network: 0.0001s)\r\n 00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:08 ........\r\n
.. .. .. 00000180 48:1b:5b:31:3b:32:33:32:72:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b H.[1;232r.[1000;\r\n 00000190 31:48:49:6e:76:61:6c:69:64:20:69:6e:70:75:74:3a 1HInvalid input:\r\n 000001a0 20:6f:0d:0a:1b:5b:31:3b:32:33:32:72:1b:5b:31:30 o...[1;232r.[10\r\n
Not sure what version of ArubaOS, but found this document. Its 'no paging'. Update the template on this line and see if it works...
pagingCmd: "no paging" resetPagingCmd: "paging"
‘no page’ is the correct command. Not sure when it was changed from paging to page. Both switches are only one revision difference in their os.
Small config switch
Big config switch
Ok, thanks. i think I know the issue here... We've struggled with HP. Aruba switches over the years because of this. Simple the issue lies between the lines in bold below.
The switch says: Press any key to rConfig sends: no page Switch returns: invalid input
So we have code commented out to try to address this. Can you try it out? It is based on parameters in your template, which look to be correct.
So open this file
Uncomment lines 108 - 115
Above line 57 create a new line and insert the code
Save and exit. Try it again. Send back the output. We also support regexp for the line below in the template. So you could try variations of it
hpAnyKeyPrmpt: "Press any key to continue"
variations: hpAnyKeyPrmpt: "Press any key to ." hpAnyKeyPrmpt: "."
<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (since last: 0.1051, network: 0.0001s)\r\n 00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:38:1b:5b:32:33:32:3b:31:48 .......8.[232;1H\r\n 00000010 50:72:65:73:73:20:61:6e:79:20:6b:65:79:20:74:6f Press any key to\r\n 00000020 20:63:6f:6e:74:69:6e:75:65:1b:5b:31:33:3b:31:48 continue.[13;1H\r\n 00000030 1b:5b:3f:32:35:68:1b:5b:31:30:30:30:3b:32:37:48 .[?25h.[1000;27H\r\n
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<- NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (since last: 1.0003, network: 0.0001s)\r\n 00000000 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:08 ........\r\n
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Will test this later today and post the results. I just put in the request to add the paid version to the 2024 budget. Love the software for backup of all the none aruba devices we have.
Any further update, or shall we close this?
We have a network issue that is preventing us from testing. Will hopefully test tomorrow.
I have been having a similar issue with a Fortigate device. (80000 line configuration - rconfig aborts only 10% of the way through)
When dumping config to the screen in a normal SSH session, there was a moment where the output pauses (like it's generating the next part of the config) and then proceeds. This pause is the exact moment that rconfig stopped pulling in the config ... every single time without fail ..... why is it not waiting for the next part of the config ?!?!?
Cutting a really exhaustive long story short .... putting a usleep(100); at line 3514 in ./vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php (end of get_binary_packet routine) reliably solves the issue for me. anything less than 100 microseconds and I would get varying lengths of config collected. 100 microseconds was my sweetspot. Yes, I know modifying vendor code is a big no no (there are better ways) !! And I also hate using sleeps to get around issues, but this one was just crazy and there was no configuration I could see to provide me with a similar outcome.
I will note that the Fortigate was also on the local LAN segment, so perhaps the zero latency between rconfig and the device was a contributing factor, the data xfer simply too fast and the SSH connection aborts/closes during that pause in config generation with nothing to be read off the channel. Left quite bemused by the whole thing.
Making the change to the Login.php kept giving this error:
Start rconfig:download-device IDs:25
Start device download for Galleria-Stack3 ID:25
No config data returned for Galleria-Stack3 - ID:25. Check your logs for more information
End rconfig:download-device
Using regexp in the template did not work ether. I tried the following and none worked.
"Press any key to ." "Press any ." "Press ." "."
@TheBenjiManCan Adding usleep(100);
above or below return $this->filter($payload, $skip_channel_filter);
at line 3514 did not resolve the issue ether.
@TheBenjiManCan @6r1zzlyB
These are seperate issues, but i would like to resolve real time if you are both interested, send a note on the contact form, and we setup a session to take a look real time. Send a note, with the Issue ID and your preference for a shared or individual calls.
@6r1zzlyB Aruba 2930F resolved by adding an n to the start of the no page in the aruba 2930 template.
@TheBenjiManCan I'll get to you in the coming days.
Thanks, Stephen. Confirmed that all arubas are pulling full backups, after editing the template with the edit of pagingCmd: "nno page"
Having an issue getting a full config backup from an Aruba 2930F. I can get some output, but it is cutoff. If I enable AnsiHost, it gets better, but still not 100%.
In some cases, it looks like the config will span more than one output file.
Config with ANSI
Config without ANSI
Version with ANSI
Version without ANSI
Here is the template used.