Closed pmgriffin closed 8 years ago
You'd have to look at the logs, without it, you'd just be guesssing at the reason... one reason could be that you compiled using Java 8 in windows but your system has java 7, which will refuse tur un java8 code. But I am just guessing.
Also, another thing that could be different from windows to unix is filename case, which you should double check on the add Serde statement.
Closing since it's not an issue.
Hi there,
i'm hoping you'll be able to assist me please, i'm running HortonWorks HDP sandbox v2.3, have built your Serde using "mvn -Phdp23 clean package" and added the resulting JAR file on Hive shell as follows:
hive> add JAR /home/trustev/json-serde-1.3.7-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
My table definition is as follows:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE TestWithSerde( key string, myObj "my schema hidden for confidentiality" ) ROW FORMAT SERDE ''; STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( "mapping.ts" = "timestamp" ) WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,object:myval") TBLPROPERTIES ('' = 'Tbl_XXXX');
Any help is greatly appreaciated.
Note i restarted ambari in an attempt to ensure the jar was loaded but it did not resolve the issue.
I built the Serde on windows and then deployed to CentOS 7 box ... would that have anything to do with it maybe?