rcongiu / Hive-JSON-Serde

Read - Write JSON SerDe for Apache Hive.
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how to access nested array elements #147

Closed rajkumarsowmy closed 8 years ago

rajkumarsowmy commented 8 years ago

I have this column in hive table.

accountLevelCharges struct<noOfCharges:int,sections:array<struct<noOfCharges:int, noOfChanges:int,changeIndicator:string, currentAmount:string, prevAmount:string, differenceAmount:string, sectionType:string, sectionDescription:string>>, noOfChanges:int, changeIndicator:string, currentAmount:string, prevAmount:string, differenceAmount:string, chargeType:string>,

this is my json { "accountLevelCharges": { "noOfCharges": 2, "sections": [{ "currentAmount": "7", "sectionDescription": "Subtotal" }, { "currentAmount": "8", "sectionDescription": "total" }] } } i have array of structures in sections array and

how do i know from which block of the array im getting the amount, i can do based on sectionDescription. can i query like select accountLevelCharges.section from table where accountLevelCharges.section.sectionDesc='total'?

since array element is dynamic, how do i know the size of the array. or can i do size of the sections and see if a particular element is present and then select that one based on search criteria?

please provide your suggestions? Thanks and appreciate your time.

rcongiu commented 8 years ago

It looks like in the struct the 'section' field is missing, it should be


I suggest you use this tool https://github.com/quux00/hive-json-schema to create your schema from JSON.

If you use it, the table should be `CREATE TABLE x ( accountlevelcharges struct<noofcharges:int, sections:array<struct<currentamount:string, sectiondescription:string>>>) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe';'

You can find the size of the array as select size(accountlevelcharges.sections) from x;

I am not quite sure what you're trying to achieve, but you can do something like: You can EXPLODE the array: select accountlevelcharges.noofcharges, als.* from x lateral view explode( accountlevelcharges.sections) als as alss where alss.sectiondescription = 'total'; OK 2 {"currentamount":"8","sectiondescription":"total"}

rajkumarsowmy commented 8 years ago

Hi Roberto, Thanks for the prompt reply. i was exactly searching for the expload option and i did use your schem generation tool, the one which i mentioned was a typo. thanks a lot for your solution.it's working just fine. In case of any questions will get back.

Appreciate your help!!