rcongiu / Hive-JSON-Serde

Read - Write JSON SerDe for Apache Hive.
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Cannot SELECT anything but "*" #96

Closed KimJBaran closed 9 years ago

KimJBaran commented 9 years ago

Anything but a SELECT * FROM compound throws an exception or fails.


hive> DESCRIBE compound;
i_id                    string                  from deserializer   
uhttp_rdf_ncbi_nlm_nih_gov__pubchem__vocabulary___has_parent    array<map<string,string>>   from deserializer   
uhttp_semanticscience_org__resource__has_attribute  array<map<string,string>>   from deserializer   
Time taken: 0.132 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)
hive> SELECT i_id FROM compound;
Total jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operator
Starting Job = job_1415504212444_0008, Tracking URL = http://demo-VirtualBox:8088/proxy/application_1415504212444_0008/
Kill Command = /home/demo/src/hadoop-2.5.1/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1415504212444_0008
Hadoop job information for Stage-1: number of mappers: 0; number of reducers: 0
2014-11-11 14:28:49,253 Stage-1 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%
Ended Job = job_1415504212444_0008 with errors
Error during job, obtaining debugging information...
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.mr.MapRedTask
MapReduce Jobs Launched: 
Job 0:  HDFS Read: 0 HDFS Write: 0 FAIL
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 0 msec

Problem occurs with the compiled 1.3 version. Version 1.3.1 SNAPSHOT throws an exception that there is a trouble with a factory.

KimJBaran commented 9 years ago

Nevermind. The Hadoop JARs for map/reduce were not found, which caused the Hive job to fail.

Perhaps this can be added to the README, so that it will be easier to track down for future users.