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Choose the CI Server #17

Closed gaurav21r closed 8 years ago

gaurav21r commented 8 years ago

The Continuous Integration system will be the central cornerstone :gem: of SPS. It is where all tools are run automatically, and every possible Code Quality issue is checked and audited in a completely automated way in a very timely manner.

The first aspect is to choose the CI Server. The number one priority would be for it to

Although there are many options out there, https://github.com/integrations

I think it boils down to Jenkins & TravisCI. This captures the summary of the sentiment the best:


So final call is, Use Travis for Open Source, Jenkins for Closed Source. Weird but should do for now.

This is a very informative article on how to setup Jenkins for JavaScript projects. @riteshe63 We should definitely find a "preconfigured" state in Jenkins for this.


Task can now be split into 2:

  1. Create a Travis Configuration. #18
  2. Create a Jenkins Configuration (If any). #19