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Static Site Generators #43

Open gaurav21r opened 7 years ago

gaurav21r commented 7 years ago

So here's all the info I could gather on Static Site Generators:

A static site generator helps us convert a folder full of Markdown Documents (and YAML Front End Matter) into different HTML pages (which may or may not have the same CSS) based on a theme. It also lets us write dynamic content and create repeatable sections of a website like headers / navigation etc.

How is it different than Markdown parsers like [showdown](), [marked]() etc?

Markdown parsers blindly convert Markdown documents to HTML. While Static site gens are more powerful. They:

  1. Convert all Markdown (or ASCIIDoc, pandoc etc.) docs to HTML
  2. Parse Front End YAML matter to render advanced stuff like permalinks, navigation, currently selected page etc.
  3. Have a rich theming system, having different HTML / CSS templates for different types of pages.
  4. Allow user to control which Markdown file would use which template through YAML.

This is a list of projects and the static site generators they use:

Projects Static Site Generator
React Jekyll
Polymer Custom Python Solution
Gruntjs Gollum

Many projects out there use Jekyll because of its inbuilt integration with Github. Many are stuck on a particular static site gen but really want a JS solution like the React guys so they don't have any other dependencies (like ruby).

Assemble seems to be used by a lot of people and works well out of the box. Unfortunately I think they are in a transition phase and they are still working on it, especially the grunt plugin.

riteshe63 commented 7 years ago

Some Open-Source Static Site Generators: https://www.staticgen.com

riteshe63 commented 7 years ago

Below is the list of projects with the respective Static Site Generators they use:

Projects Static Site Generator
React Jekyll
Polymer Custom Python Solution
Gruntjs Gollum
Yeoman Jekyll
Ramda GitBook
Lodash Jekyll
Babel Jekyll
Bootstrap Jekyll