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Student Status Updates #148

Open PrinxeShamar opened 10 months ago

PrinxeShamar commented 10 months ago

Student Status Updates


Currently submitty handles status updates for students. This is through the Gradeables features on submitty when coordinators/faculty can create the status reports and students can submit there weekly status updates. On the other side graders (coordinators/mentors) can grade through the submitty's grading platform. Submitty also has great autograding capabilities and can greatly assist professors in the Computer Science and any class that has auto gradable assignments. Submitty


RCOS is a unique class in many ways. It is student run and supports projects of any language and any idea. We also support a long list of open source contributes not only code commits, including documentation, design, project research, etc. RCOS is also unique in that the class flows runs on a AGILE schedule. Students make changes, commit these changes and repeat. As part of their grades we track these changes, how they made progress from previous weeks, etc. These qualities of RCOS does not define in as a traditional "CS" class with autogradeable assignments and with assignments that site in a black box (do it and forget about it) and by effect does not make submitty an ideal solution for course management from both student and teacher perspective.


RCOS IO is the next generation management platform for RCOS and all its uniqueness. Management is however still split between RCOS IO and Submitty as students still need to submit there status updates on submitty. RCOS IO Student Portal would now include a status update feature where students can submit their status updates. Mentors can also view student submissions and submit a grade for the status update. Mentors can also be able to compare previous status updates to take into account student performance and progress. On the status updates mentors will also get to the quantitative measurement of student performance (commits, loc) via the GitHub Commit Tracker. This feature would also eliminate the split between two management platforms and make it easier for students to find what they need. It will also push RCOS IO forward as the all in one RCOS management platform.


Apexal commented 10 months ago

Great writeup. Tiny correction: refer to new.rcos.io as "RCOS IO" instead of "Portal"